He knows what you need to cough when you head hurts or you have diarrhea or worms in the ass. So yes, he knows everything. A true connoisseur of all things, a veritable walking encyclopaedia. And most importantly, very, very happy to help you. And if you have a problem and want to meet up with this genius, it just enable a box with a glass screen and wait until it appears on your savior ...
JMW - And what do you smoke cigarettes, sir?
Media authority - Did you ask to me? Ah, of course, that only the cigarettes of a camel in paczuszce. I and other authorities from the TV, select Camels naturally. This choice is justified by the fact that the Camels are the best way to crush a tiring job and getting rid of the problems associated with this. Especially I mean here the work of doctors. Mr. Sam notice how after thirty days will change your attitude to everything, as well as other cigarettes. In addition, Camels than any other cigarettes, caress our throat and leave fresh taste in the mouth. And what a pleasure and joy comes from the act of smoking ...
Narrator - All the doctors recommend their patients, a pack of Camels as the best means to get rid of their daily worries. The doctor from the lewizora particularly recommends camel cigarettes all this mindless mass, which does not even deign to move your ass, and delve into the crux of the matter. In addition, a doctor from the TV, encourages everyone to eat meat as a source of energy and essential nutrients ...
Doctor Recommends
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