"Probably, the nearest television, in terms of power and skills of addiction transformation of human life, is a heroin . Heroin flattens the image of the world. Under the influence of heroin, there is neither hot nor cold. Junkie watches the world with total indifference. It's not moving. The illusion that you have control over things like viewer believe that what he sees on the screen, it must be real, happening somewhere in the world. And in fact, what we see is a cosmetically improved surfaces of the goods. TV, but does not make the chemical terms, is as addictive and physiologically destructive, like all other drugs. ..
Like drugs and alcohol, television moves beyond its consumer real world, in a pleasant and passive state of mind. TV program like "trip" caused by drugs or alcohol, odgania all the sorrows and anxieties, totally absorbing account of a man. Between alcoholism and watching TV is another similarity. The alcoholic, like a spectator, he thinks he can repent and dispense drinking .. The best testimony to the existence of television addiction is its impact on human life. TV distorts the sense of passing time. It makes everything outside seems to be trivial and unreal. Weakens the social relations through reeducation, and sometimes eliminate any opportunity to speak and communicate .. "
goes on:
" Television managed to flatten culture wyzuwając it from any deep messages. Postwar America (popeerelowska Poland;)), began to live forever in the world of Ken and Barbie, not caring or even thinking about the serious though hidden problems. In the mid-sixties, children Ken and Barbie, under the influence of hallucinogens, briefly broke away from broadcasting. melted to the people of the ruling elite, who quickly banned hallucinogens and forbade further research on them. Hipisom who have gone astray the beaten path of culture, zaordynowano television and a double dose of cocaine, which effectively cured of their dreams of a better world and forever transformed the hungry consumers. Only a few managed to escape this process of unification .. "
At the end of supercharged time Spirit" arcywątek from the movie "Network 1976.
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