Scientific Work consists of scientific articles and scientific reports. LIMITATION
Scientific Authorship Authorship
Scientific is one type of essay that contains a series of thought-
obtained in accordance with the nature of scientific
. A essay of the research, observation, scientific or
review said if it meets the following requirements:
1. writing based on research results;
2. discussion of the problem objectively in accordance with the facts;
3. essay that contains a problem that is being looked for solutions;
4. both in presentation and in solving problems specific methods used
5. language must be complete, detailed, orderly, and meticulous;
6. language used should correct, clear, concise, and exact
so it does not open the possibility for readers to misinterpretation.
Given the above requirements, an author of scientific articles
should have the skills and knowledge in the field:
1. problems examined,
2. research methods,
3. scientific essay writing techniques,
4. A good mastery of language.
scientific report
In addition to the term scientific articles there are also reports
scientific terms. Are these two terms the same meaning? For clarity, much better
first examined whether the report. The report is a vehicle for delivery
news, information, knowledge, or ideas from one person to another
. This report can be oral and
can take the form of writing. The report, submitted in writing
is an essay .. If this report contains a series of thought
results obtained from the research,
observation or review, then this report include the type of scientific articles. With
other words, a scientific report is a kind of scientific articles that explore issues of science and
telnologi who deliberately structured to
delivered to certain people and in certain occasions.
Authorship / scientific reports can be distinguished on the basis of literary purposes.
1. Kerta
working paper was written to be delivered to specific groups in
a scientific meeting, for example in seminars, symposia, workshops,
konerensi or congress. In addition, working papers can also be written
to complete tasks in a particular subject.
2. Articles
article was written for a specific reader, for instance for
published in scientific magazines. If the article is intended for the layman, usually
a popular presentation and published in newspapers or magazines in general
3. Thesis, thesis, and dissertation
The three types of scientific articles was written to obtain confessions
level in a college scholarship. Thesis written
to obtain a Bachelor degree, Master's degree thesis to obtain
(S2), and a dissertation to obtain his PhD. The term thesis
often referred to by other terms of final project to obtain a Bachelor
4. Report
In the corporate world and government agencies,
report writing activities play an important role because of further action taken on the basis of reports received
. The report is written in a certain period
called periodek report, and there is also a
written based on the needs and demands. Scientific Reports
usually written by staff experts.
In the development of community systems and the development of science and technology
knowledge, the position of writing
increasingly important. Use of the report is perceived in modern
management system. How much benefit can be seen from these functions
1. The report serves to assist the recipient to take reports
decisions based on facts and ideas put forward its author;
2. In a large organization, a leader can
know and control the developments in
existing sections in the organization by studying the reports it receives
3. For a leader, reporting to shorten the distance and time;
4. The report also serves as the storage of knowledge, in addition as a means of spreading
5. The report is a very effective vehicle for creative thinking;
6. Reports can also be used to assess the capabilities and skills
Writing scientific papers using variety of official languages, simple, and
straightforward, and always used to refer to those discussed in
Materials in scientific essay called when pronunciation, vocabulary,
terminology, syntax, and spelling follow
language has been defined as a pattern or a reference for communication, official, whether written or oral
. The main difficulty in standardization
is in the field of spelling and terminology. To overcome these problems the authors should refer to the
1. General Guidelines for the Enhanced Indonesian Spelling (EYD)
2. General Guidelines for Establishment of Terms (PUPI). Writing
Regarding spelling words, which still need to keep our is
as follows.
1. Prefix in-and-written series with said base. True False
governance is managed in the seven to seven
2. Combined word one element of which is written a series of elements bonded
. True False saptakrida
Sapta Krida
subsections sub-section sub-section
non collaboration of non-collaboration
3. Form the basis of a combination of the words that have the prefix or suffix
written by affixing a dash (-) between the combined elements
True False
contrary contrary
opposite sign sign sign-signed
mendarahdaging ingrained ingrained
4. The basic form of the compound word which also gets the prefix and suffix
well written series. True False
melatar background background background
-pulverize devastated leburkan
destroy leburkan
dissemination dissemination
destroyed earth-scorch scorch earth
5. Bound form of a letter followed by a word that originally
capital letters, between the two elements appended dash (-)
True False Non-
Indonesia Indonesia
Non Non Non-Afrikanisme nonAfrikasnisme
6. The word re-written using a hyphen between the two elements
. True False
children's children
laws continually ongoing
7. Preposition at or into a separate written with words that follow. True False
home home where where
8. Separate written the article the words that follow. True False
the sender of the recipient recipient
the shy sipemalu
thief sipencuri
9. Particles as meaning 'every' and began to be written separately from the sentence that mendahulu
and followed him. Conversely, as the fraction
written series with the word that follows it. True False
one by one down one by one down
two-thirds of two thirds
10. Abbreviation name medical degree, physicians, often
disputed. In the environmental community appears abbreviation dr.
for the doctor (health) and DR for the doctorate (purnasarjana). This is contrary to the rule
just because the abbreviation Dr.
intended for a PhD, while the DR as if a word or abbreviation
the same name as the PT (limited company), SD (
elementary school).
11. Abbreviations official name of government agencies and public institutions, agencies or organizations
, the name of the official document which consist of capital letters,
not followed the dot. True False
Parliament House
Junior High Junior High Elementary Elementary
12. Common abbreviations consisting of three letters or more followed
single dot. True False
sda. Signed
sda. Signed
yad. yad
13. Chemical Symbol, abbreviation unit of measure weights, and currency
not followed the dot. True False
cm cm.
km km.
14. Acronyms name from the word, which is a combination of syllables or a combination of letters and syllables
of the series beginning with the letter written word letter
kaiptal. True False Golkar
Writing Words
Indonesian Uptake has absorbed various elements from other languages, both
of regional languages \u200b\u200bas well as from foreign languages \u200b\u200bsuch as language
Sanskrit, Arabic, Portuguese, Dutch, British and other foreign language.
Based on the entry way, borrowing elements in the Indonesian language
divided into two groups, (1) foreign elements that have not been fully
absorbed into Indonesian and (2) the pronunciation of foreign elements and pernulisannya
adapted to Indonesian rule. For this purpose have been cultivated
foreign spelling
only modified as necessary so that the form of Indonesia is still comparable to the form
origin. In the General Guidelines for Indonesian Language Spelling
Improved adjustment rules that are listed. It may be added
that in it is mainly applied to the words and terms that
new entry into Indonesian, which is considered a long absorption public
not always have to follow the rules earlier settlement.
Here's an example of that absorption.
Baku Baku not Baku
pharmacy pharmacy no archaeological arkheologi
athlete athletes atmosphere atmospheric character ahlak
end ahir, akir active
advice adpis
active advocate aktipitas activity adpokat
archaic archaic adjectives ajktif
principle principle human rights consequences of the consequences
qualification qualification quality analysis, quality analysis
analyzing analyzing analyzing analyzing quartz quartz
ambulance ambulance receipts receipts
quorum quorums quota kwota
member member member beranggautakan confrontation confronted
consignment balan balance on the alert definition
Definitively diskonsinyasi dikonsinyir
depot depot coordinate coordination, coordinated differential differential
kordinir coordinated export export
konduite kondite
aktrover ektrovert categories categorized category
equivalent ekwivalen dikatagorikan
essays essay concession kosessi Formal
formal class class classification
February february kelasifikai
philologi linguistic philology lingguistik physical
common physical liquidation liquidation photo photo
frequency frequency method method
Baku Baku No No Raw
film movie
motive motive nature of the essence of motivation motivation
hierarchy hierarchy masarakat community
hypothesis hypothesis mantra incantation
intensive management intensively aware mangemen
insyaf manager manager
sincere ihlas mass mass (People)
endeavor Ihtiar masaalah problem
import import bulk mass
mission mission
introvert introverted wife wife november november
faith faith diploma diploma
advice advice adviser advisor permission
permission nasinalisir
illustration illustration of nationalized nationalized dinasionalasirkan
operational generals generals operasianil
schedule schedule object
kartotek card file object ounce on
comedy comedian organization organized
concrete concrete probelm problim
problematic career career problimatik
positive kaedah positive rule
preaching sermons preached berkhutbah
productivity productivity productivity productivity
conceptional conceptual psikhis
psychic psychology conference conferences creativity creativity psikhologi
passport passport
congress congress son daughter son daughter
complex catalysis catalyst production produsir quantum
kwantum profession profession FOR MORE COMPLETE
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