curriculum development is to be done by each
school / educational institution, it is intended for educational purposes
can be achieved optimally. This is according to a statement denagan
Education Ministry Director General for Indra Jati Sidi,
"Schools are not prohibited to develop their own curriculum.
In this regard, schools should be more creative in developing curriculum
useful for students, without waiting for instructions from
pemerinta. It's just that development should remain based on
desaion national curriculum. "
Freedom of schools to develop curriculum, as was expressed by Director General
Education Ministry Indra Jati Sidi,
actually an opportunity and challenge to educators, especially principals
for principals in education bureaucrats associated
Education is a matter that should be heeded by every member
if he wants to achieve success and happiness both in this world nor
in the afterlife. This is in line with the hadith of Rasulullah SAW
which reads as follows:
من اراد الد نيا فعليه بالعلم ومن اراد
الأ خرة فعليه بالعلم ومن اراد هما فعليه
با لعلم. (الحديث)
means: he who wants the world (joy of living in
world), he must master the science, and anyone who wants
akherat (happiness in the afterlife), let he
menguaisai knowledge, and anyone who wants both, then let him mengusai science
both. (Hadith of the Prophet).
no exaggeration that many people consider
madrasa is a container for all container and future life expectancy
them, especially in the era of globalization is increasingly
membrutal. This community dikarena saaat assume that
Islamic religious education is a way of sustaining the collapse of morals
community. So many people gave the title of that madrassa
that having an Islamic education. In the A. Malik Fadjar
also mentioned that (Elementary, Tsanawiyah, and Aliyah)
is characterized by public school typical
Islam and became part of the overall national education system in our country [1]. With
a madrassa in the midst of the Islamic society should be
put yourself and be able to socialize with
development environment that positive spirit and to answer
porsalan porsoalan-existing.
Then from the happenings on madrassa Could change in the middle
imposed a bit of a problem to him? As part of
institutions of Islamic education, Islamic schools should be able to adapt to the demands of life
global era. So one way to
done is to adapt the curriculum. Due to the absence
curriculum adaptation efforts, the madrasahs can will certainly
fallen far behind its time. This is in line with the opinion of Anik
Gufron stating that "Without the adaptation of curriculum, the school
madrasas or other Islamic educational institutions will be difficult
develop into top schools," Anik Gufron, curriculum specialists
Faculty of Education, State University of Yogyakarta ( UNJ) [2].
According to Anik Gufron, actually not too difficult for
number of educational practitioners to develop the curriculum when
global era life forms were already apparent. What is difficult is
predict the future picture of life that has not been clear. Because
it, to be able to design and develop
adaptable curriculum to life in a global era, must first understand the different
main trends that characterize life in the global era [3].
PAI To succeed, there must be a consistent controller
in all aspects, both aspects of the institution,
educational components as well as the other. PAI Pporsi more
madrasah education institutions. For that madrasas should be more stringent coaching
PAI compared with public schools.
In the development of educational thinking today is something very vital
or urgent, because with the IMTAQ and then
journey of life science and technology will regularly according to the rhythm of the times. In connection with it, the madrasas
should be able to prepare myself more presentable,
so what is the hope the community will be realized.
Because after all madrassas are
community-based education.
In addressing the problem of increasingly complex problems is the
madrassa once again have to look forward, in terms of curriculum
deemed no longer appropriate to the times necessary
a model curriculum change seriously. But models that try
developed curriculum development should not be separated from the government that jugak
provisions contained in the Guidelines
PAI curriculum development model should really be considered,
especially in its application when the learning process
teaching takes place. During this understanding than most people assume that with the presence of PAI
schools are expected to membinak
both in terms of scientific and technological knowledge as well as IMTAK didika participants. This assumption
harulah be properly addressed because otherwise will result in patal
. We know at this present moment
role of PAI not only religious education but put more
expected to have a blend of general education with
religious education.
Muhaimin stated that the curriculum should be developed in
madrasah integrated, by making the teachings and values \u200b\u200bof Islam as
guide and source of consultation for the development of various eye
general subjects, the operation can be developed in a way
mengimplisitkan teachings and Islamic values \u200b\u200binto the IPS field of study,
science and so on, so the impression dichotomous not happen.
model of learning can be implemented through a team teacing, namely teacher
field social studies, science or other cooperation with the Islamic religion teacher
to formulate concrete learning design and detail, to
implemented in learning activities [4].
Here is that a curriculum developer
have a very important role in models of learning and models of curriculum development
suitable for the development of Islamic schools, from
that this problem is very interesting to study. Therefore
in writing this essay the author chose the title "Model Curriculum Development
PAI in MAN Malang 1"
B. Problem Formulation Based
problems described above, then the problem formulation can be prepared as follows:
1. How is the implementation of the curriculum in MAN Malang 1?
2. How do models curriculum development at MAN Malang PAI 1?
Objective The objective to be achieved in the implementation
research activities are as follows:
1. To know the implementation of the curriculum in Malang, a
MAN 2. To reveal models of curriculum development at MAN Malang PAI 1.
D. Researcher Studies Benefits
expected to provide the following benefits:
1. Theoretically for the development of science, because
this study will provide valuable contributions to khasana
reference or research studies on curriculum development model
especially dilembaga education in Indonesia
2. In practical terms, especially associated with problem solving
development in education, this research is not
directly to an effort towards the improvement of the curriculum where
education these days we applied all the various criticisms that
mememrlukan solution as soon as possible by the government.
3. In Instructional or institution, this research will
provide valuable inputs to the leadership and decision
policy on educational institutions, also can be a reference for researchers
E. Term Limits
1. Curriculum is a set of plans
knowledge about the objectives, contents and teaching materials as well as how that is in use as a guideline
organizing learning activities to achieve certain educational
[5]. Curriculum Development Model
are several models used to develop design education
used to achieve a goal education.
2. Curriculum development model is a model used to develop design
education to achieve an educational goal.
3. PAI curriculum development are (1) The yield
PAI curriculum; or (2) the process of linking components with the other
to produce PAI curriculum better; and / or (3)
preparation activities (design), implementation, assessment and
curriculum improvement PAI. [6] F.
Systematics Discussion
In this study, for discussion can be systematic,
the authors develop a systematic discussion as follows:
Chapter I: It is an introduction that includes background
problem, problem formulation, research objectives, benefits penelititan,
term limits, and systematic discussion.
Chapter II: It contains about: understanding curriculum, curriculum
development concepts, approaches in curriculum development, understanding
PAI, PAI curriculum development, curriculum Function PAI,
alternative models of curriculum development.
Chapter III: Berisiskan about research methods
Chapter IV: In this chapter contains a research report which covers the background behind the object
, curriculum development model in MAN
Malang 1 which includes a model curriculum and programs development,
factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of curriculum development at MAN
Malang 1.
Chapter V: In this fifth chapter is the closing chapter of the whole discussion is
circuit which contains conclusions and suggestions
A. Concept Curriculum Development Model
1. Definition and Components of Curriculum
a. Understanding Curriculum
Before we go any further we should understand first what it
curriculum. The word "curriculum" comes from Latin, a little
racecaurse (a distance covered in sporting sports),
which then transferred to a circle in terms of education
of instruction that is a circle of teaching, where teachers and pupils
involved in it [7]. There is also an opinion that
word "curriculum" comes from the Greek
[1] A. Malik Fadjar, Holistic Educational Thought, (London: King
Grafindo, 2005), p.. 228.
[2] Anik Gufron, Ju'at January 21, 2005.
[3] Ibid., 2005.
[4] Ibid., P.. 209.
[5] Law Decree no. 20 year 2003 on National Education System
, Bandung, Citra Umbara, 2003, p.. 3.
[6] Muhaimin, Op., Cit. things. 10.
[7] Muzaiyyin Arifin, Philosophy of Islamic Education, (London: Earth
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