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Educative Value Analysis in the Novels Love in School Work Shachree M. Reformulation Daroini As Teacher and Student Interaction Patterns in School

ABSTRACT Maulani, Nisaul. Analysis of Educational Values \u200b\u200bin the Novels Work Love in School
Shachree M. Daroini As Reformulation Patterns and
Teacher Student Interaction in the School. Thesis, Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of
Tarbiyah, Islamic University of Malang. Marno, M. Ag

Along with the increasing number of students in a
pesantren, Kyai can not stand alone to protect all
students. Therefore, many religious scholars assisted by teachers in
drives the wheels of education in body boarding. In this paper, emphasis
educational institution in question is a
teachers and pupils involved in school education, where the school itself becomes
boarding authority. So that all policy, both directly related to the budget,
subjects, even uniforms and others determined by the policy as pengayomnya
boarding. Embodiment of the book that sporadic ta'limul
Muta'allim make boarding
instill the values \u200b\u200bof magic associated with the interaction of teachers and students such
; students must Sam'an wa to'atan (listening and obedient),
sendhiko dhawuh with a classic lure, especially if not
blessed. The existence of these doctrines that often makes pupils
stuck, stagnant and not critical. They are required to receive all the knowledge that dicekokkan
them as absolute truth that does not
nonnegotiable. Teachers are supposed to be democratic
became a figure that could be beheaded progression, decapitate
plurality, and kill the dialectics and dynamics of science are constantly evolving
. In the end, the reality of that sort of thing that
make many critics on the pattern of education in
boarding. Sharp criticism not only dilisankan but also through
writing, in the form of fiction and non fiction. One of the many writings
is novel Love in Pesantren work Shachree M.
Daroini that in fact alumni of the boarding school. Many critics who
then born from the creative hands that can be synthesized
between the reality happening in the field of imagination so
yielded novel by the author slick, critically. The relevance of the novel Love in Pesantren work
Shachree M.
Daroini with the reality of teacher-student interaction that developed in
boarding school in an environment that makes the writer interested unuk entered
novel analysis contained in the title: Analysis of Educational Values \u200b\u200bin the novel Love in
School Work Shachree M. Daroini As Reformulation
Interaction Patterns in School Teachers and Students.
The purpose of this analysis is to identify and analyze
educational values \u200b\u200binherent in the novel "Love in
School" and to know and analyze the educational value of the novel
that we can apply as reformulation
interaction patterns of teachers and students at the seminary. Research conducted by the author of this loss is among
descriptive qualitative research method of reflective analysis. Namely
analyzed based on the narrative and then reflected in
reality happens in the real world and use the documentation
techniques in data collection. The researcher serves as the research instrument
because researchers are planners, implementers
data collection, analysis, data interpreter, and eventually became
reporting research results. Activities undertaken in connection
researchers with data collection that is, text reading novels Love in
Pesantren and researchers to act as an active reader reading,
recognize, identify the recalled units, which is a marker
in units of events in which there is
ideas to become a wholeness of meaning.
The results of this novel analysis shows that the educational values \u200b\u200b
contained in the novel "Love in School" by M. Shachree
Daroini is: an effort to increase faith and devotion, passion
perform religious rituals, helping, aware of the limitations of self
, amar nahi ma'ruf evil, swiftly deal with the problem,
development of education, independence, fairness, creating conditions of environmental
that full religious nuance, respect differences, appreciate
and respect for fellow human beings, think critically about
life, willing to forgive, able to accept criticism, be gentle, compassionate and friendly
on others, be optimistic and did not give up hope
. While the educational values \u200b\u200babove, we can apply as a reformulation
interaction patterns of teachers and pupils in boarding schools
are: Efforts to increase faith and devotion,
create environmental conditions that are full of religious nuance,
appreciate and respect our fellow human beings, be gentle ,
compassionate and friendly to others, respect diversity, fairness,
think critically about life, able to accept change, capable of receiving
criticism, and willing to forgive.
Hence, according to the opinion of the writer, boarding schools, as a sacred institution and sacred
, should always develop
ekskulusif science and not being in the angle of view. Not
perpetuate pengkelasan and feudalism which results in excessive
cult. Therefore, schools should
always open yourself to want to understand different points of view
so as not to rush things in
looking black and white. Both teachers and pupils in boarding schools, should
as soon as possible aware, that the world has undergone rapid progress
. Global life awaits
Muslim intellectual who mastered the technology and information. Not just another puritans who stutter
technology, hate globalization and shut himself without being able to do anything
to be a pioneer in the global era. If the Muslims remain trapped in the doctrine
limit critical reasoning and creativity, progress on the pretext of abandoning morality and secularism
, then Muslims will never be separated from the West

Keywords: Educational Values, Reformulation of Teacher and Student Interaction Patterns, Pesantren

FOR Thesis refrensi PLEASE READ AS HUB: 085646047087


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