Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Granny Bukake In Heels

paragraph essay is part consisting of sentences related
comprehensive and integrated approach and is one unit
mind. Paragraphs systematically arranged and contain one
main thoughts. Thus, a paragraph containing only one
main thoughts and some thoughts explanatory.
main Mind is the main idea or ideas that animate the contents of paragraphs
described with a few thoughts explanatory.
main thoughts is an overlooked issue in the paragraph and
poured in the main sentence. To know the main idea we
have to read paragraphs over and over again and look at the
beginning and end of paragraphs.
sentence where the main thoughts poured called the main sentence, while sentences for pouring
explanatory mind called
explanatory sentences. Based on the location of the main sentence, distinguished above paragraphs
a. Deductive paragraphs, namely paragraphs which lies mainly in
initial sentence paragraphs.
b. Inductive paragraphs, namely paragraphs where the main sentence at the end of paragraph

c. Deductive-inductive paragraphs, namely paragraphs
main sentence at the beginning of the paragraph and was reinforced at the end of the paragraph.
d. Without sentence paragraphs, namely paragraphs that do not have
main sentence, but sentences
penjelasnya all support the main thoughts. Thus the main minds were made up of sentences
penjelasnya. This type usually used in this paragraph essay
narration and description.
As for the terms of a good paragraph is:
a. Unity
Each paragraph contains only one main idea and all
sentence in that paragraph should be related to the main idea. Paragraphs have unity
say if the sentences in that paragraph
not quit or always relevant to the main idea was.
cohesiveness construct sentences that paragraph should have a reciprocal relationship
so readers can easily understand and follow the road
mind of the writer. Thus, cohesion (coherence) is determined by the relationship
antarkalimat in that paragraph.
c. Completeness
A paragraph is complete if it contains explanatory sentences
clarity sufficient to support the topic sentence or main sentence.
main Mind is the main idea or ideas that animate the contents of paragraphs
described with a few thoughts explanatory.
main thoughts is an overlooked issue in the paragraph and
poured in the main sentence. To know the main idea we have to read paragraphs secra
repeatedly and observe the
beginning and end of paragraphs.
1. Examples of deductive paragraph:
Communication is generally performed in the form of informative, educative and persuasive
. That is, regular communication
people use to convey messages, educate, or influence the other person's perception
to form attitudes and opinions even new.

2. Examples of inductive paragraphs:
Parents, whoever he was not colonized children. Conversely child slave in the land
always remember hahwa evil of parents, he would not have the heart to kill a child
just because their rights are not met by
children. However, it is essential to realize, that parents want a good
forever for her child, though it must be admitted that the
good thought, it is not always the case according to the size of the public. By
Thus, the need is how to create the best way to achieve mutual understanding

3. Example paragraph mixture:
Seeking new ground eternal, secure, and definitely, not a small matter.
One step forward in this difficult. Conversely, one step backward
that without our realized very easily happen.
Therefore, we often get stuck a step back from now. Iitulah
we are experiencing.

addition to the three types of paragraphs above, there is a paragraph that does not have
main sentence. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe paragraph are included on
all existing sentences. Such paragraphs are called
descriptive paragraphs. Example 1
chicken berkeruyuk shouted slack-replication. More and more
reduced. Finally live one on one just sounded loud crowing that
. The chickens began to fall from the cage to go into the fields and
court. Hum and highway traffic roared back craze
like yesterday. Roared the car horn and the hiss of fire
kereeta echo-echo through the recesses of the house along the road.

Example 2
Overlay vast stretches of rice fields. Rice yellowing down swinging,
meandering valley breeze, undulating like an ocean.
loom loom-dispersed. The boys clapped cheering with sound
nyarin, drove flocks of parakeets
partying eating grains of rice. Hill that ran like a sleeping giant, to limit the
in the distance, white as cotton-covered mega, add beautiful scenery.

write the essay

There are several forms of essay development patterns, namely:

(1) exposition exposition or exposure
essay which is meant to explain,
develop, or explain a ideas. The goal is to increase knowledge
readers without trying to change the establishment
or affect attitudes of readers.
Office Head of the Provincial Governor of Central Sulawesi, which
representative, now began to be built in Palu, after a delay of two
years. Development office at Jalan Sam Ratulangi East Palu was planned
completed 2-3 years, at a cost of about Rp 10
billion. Such information Sekwilda Sulteng, Amur Muchasim SH, Wednesday
(4 / 10) in Palu. He explains, for the first phase, building seta
wing would be finished in February 1996.

Narrative Narrative is a type of essay that it tells an incident or
events in order of time (chronologically).
events described can be either fantasy or factual, or
combination of both. This narrative often digolongan fictional essay,
for example: romance, novel, short story, saga, legend, and fairy tales.
"Hundreds of years Indonesia has been colonized by the Dutch.
World War II broke out, and the Dutch in Indonesia and then subdued by the Japanese. Now
Jepanglah that controls and straddling Indonesia. It's not long
is because the Allies to defeat Japan with dibomnya
Hiroshima with atomic bomb. This is a good chance not wasted by
Indonesian nation to proclaim its independence. Proclamation was
read by Bung Karno and Bung Hata on stairs August 17, 1945. "

(3) Description (painting)
description of essays that describe a situation,
events, or events as accurately as possible so that the reader gets the impression
like to see for himself what is described it.
Example: Overlay
vast stretches of rice fields. Rice yellowing down swinging,
meandering valley breeze, undulating like an ocean.
loom loom-dispersed. The boys clapped cheering with sound
nyarin, drove flocks of parakeets
partying eating grains of rice. Hill that ran like a sleeping giant, to limit the
in the distance, cloaked in white mega cotton, add a beautiful landscape.

Argumentation Argumentation is an essay that tries to convince and
prove the truth of a statement, opinion, attitude, or belief
. In this argument, an idea or statement
raised with a strong and convincing reasons that people will
affected to justify the statements, opinions, and attitudes.
"Amin was a good student. Every day he came to school always
earlier than his friends. All homework no one
not finished. To the teacher and the parents he always acted
respect. That academic achievement is also much better than his friends
can be seen in his report card that never existed
red numbers. Inevitably he will be a good student. "

(5) Persuasion Persuasion
essay whose content is convincing, invites or
evoke an action by arguing the reasons
sometimes quite emotional. If the argument trying to prove
truth through a process of reasoning, then persuasion is trying to grab attention and generate action
to readers.
Everyone knows that cleanliness is the base of health. However
Thus, there are still many members of our society who do not care
of environmental cleanliness. This is a difficult problem to solve.
If only every member of society cares about the cleanliness in the vicinity
certainly the quality of health can be improved. Therefore, let us try to make ourselves
each cares about environmental cleanliness.
This awareness can be manifested in various forms, such
is not littering.



www.cairudin2blogspot. com


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