CONTENTS Preface ............. .................................................. ..............
Table of Contents ............................................. ......................................... ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Understanding
................................................ ............ 1
2. Understanding Scientific Work ..................................... 2
3. Thesis Definition
............................................... 2
4. Goal Thesis Writing
..................................... 3
Chapter 2 Rules of Writing Thesis
1. Academic Terms for Students ...................... 4
2. Submission of Thesis Proposal ................................ 4
3. Thesis Advisor
........................................... 6
4. Thesis Writing Guidance ............................. 7
Chapter 3 Examination and graduated Bachelor Degree
1. Understanding Exam Bachelor
....................................... 8
2. Degree Examination Provisions .......................................
3. Following Requirements Degree Exams .................. 8
4. Graduated Bachelor of
............................................... .. 9
Chapter 4 Technical Writing Thesis
1. Use of Language
.............................................. 10
2. Section - Section Thesis
...................................... 11
3. Thesis Typing systematic ............................ 13
4. Use of Letters Thesis ................................... 13
5. Margin
Thesis ............................................... ...... 13
6. Use of Space
............................................... 13
7. Numbering Pages Thesis .............................. 13
8. Title
................................................ ................... 14
9. Sub Title
............................................... ............ 14
10. Sub - Sub Title
............................................. .... 14
11. New paragraph or paragraphs ................................. 14
12. Quotations and References ........................................ 15
13. Tambel and Image .......................................... 17
14. Appendix
................................................ ........... 18
15. References
................................................. . 19
16. Rules - Rules Compilation Bibliography .... 19
17. Writing Reference Sources in the Reference List .. 19
Preface ............................................... ......... 25
19. Abstract
................................................ ................... 25
20. CVs
............................................... ........ 25
Annex - Appendix
............................................ ................ 26
Praise we pray toward the presence of God Almighty. Thanks kudrah and
will of god-whom we have provided health care and the opportunity to
to complete the task of writing the manual preparation of the work of these students' scientific
. Invocation and convey our greetings keharibaan
Great Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because thanks to the struggle we had was he
belunggu regardless of ignorance and has reached the age of
filled with science, technology and art.
Preparation of this Thesis Writing Guide is an academic
effort to assist students in completing the task at last,
as one of the conditions holds
undergraduate education in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) USM Banda Aceh.
In addition, the existence of these guidelines will make it easier for
relevant parties such as Advisor, Head of Department in directing
uniformity mahsiswa writing of the editorial format.
We realize that although we have tried as much as possible in
preparing these guidelines, but this work has not been able to meet expectations
us all, because of our limited capabilities. Therefore, with
all humility we receive criticism - criticism that is constructive for the sake of perfection
in the future.
Finally thanks to all members who have struggled
merampung this book, and thanks also to all those who
help, both morally and materially, so this book can be finished
as scheduled, and Insha Allah began to
used in the academic year 2007/2008. Since the enactment of guidelines
writing of this new, self-writing guidelines
before are not functioning anymore.
Any assistance we submit to Allah SWT. So
become a bergunan charities in the day and then later, amen .......
Banda Aceh, January 2007
Drafting Team
Thesis Writing Guide FACULTY
Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling)
7. Drs. Ajalil Abubakar, M. Si (Chairman)
8. Drs. Isa M. Rani, M. Pd (Member)
9. Drs. Jailani, M. Pd (Member)
10. Drs. Soewarno, M. Si (Member)
11. Dra. Sakdiyah, M. Si (Member)
12. Drs. Zulfan, M. Hum (Member)
FACULTY National Education Department Teacher Training and Education
CONTENTS Foreword .............. .................................................. .............
Table of Contents ............................................. ......................................... ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Understanding
................................................ ............ 1
2. Understanding Scientific Work ..................................... 2
3. Thesis Definition
............................................... 2
4. The purpose of Writing Thesis
..................................... 3
Chapter 2 Rules of Writing Thesis
1. Academic Terms for Students ...................... 4
2. Submission of Thesis Proposal ................................ 4
3. Thesis Advisor
........................................... 6
4. Tutoring Writing Thesis ............................. 7
Chapter 3 Examination and graduated Bachelor Degree
1. Understanding Exam Bachelor
....................................... 8
2. Degree Examination Provisions .......................................
3. Following Requirements Degree Exams .................. 8
4. Graduated Bachelor of
............................................... .. 9
Chapter 4 Technical Writing Thesis
1. Use of Language
.............................................. 10
2. Section - Section Thesis
...................................... 11
3. Thesis Typing systematic ............................ 13
4. Use of Letters Thesis ................................... 13
5. Margin
Thesis ............................................... ...... 13
6. Use of Space
............................................... 13
7. Numbering Pages Thesis .............................. 13
8. Title
................................................ ................... 14
9. Sub Title
............................................... ............ 14
10. Sub - Sub Title
............................................. .... 14
11. New paragraph or paragraphs ................................. 14
12. Quotations and References ........................................ 15
13. Tambel and Image .......................................... 17
14. Appendix
................................................ ........... 18
References ............................................... ... 19
16. Rules - Rules Compilation Bibliography .... 19
17. Writing Reference Sources in the Reference List .. 19
Preface ............................................... ......... 25
19. Abstract
................................................ ................... 25
20. CVs
............................................... ........ 25
Annex - Appendix
............................................ ................ 26
Praise we pray toward the presence of God Almighty. Thanks kudrah and
will of god-whom we have provided health care and the opportunity to
to complete the task of writing the manual preparation of the work of these students' scientific
. Invocation and convey our greetings keharibaan
Great Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because thanks to the struggle we had was he
belunggu regardless of ignorance and has reached the age of full
with science, technology and art.
Preparation of this Thesis Writing Guide is an academic
effort to assist students in completing the task at last,
as one of the requirements to obtain a bachelor's degree in education
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) USM Banda Aceh.
In addition, the existence of these guidelines will make it easier for
relevant parties such as Advisor, Head of Department in directing
uniformity mahsiswa writing of the editorial format.
We realize that although we have tried as much as possible in
preparing these guidelines, but this work has not been able to meet expectations
us all, because of our limited capabilities. Therefore, with
all humility we receive criticism - criticism that is constructive for the sake of perfection
in the future.
Finally thanks to all members who have struggled
merampung this book, and thanks also to all those who
help, both morally and materially, so this book can be finished
as scheduled, and Insha Allah began to be used
in the academic year 2007/2008. Since the enactment of guidelines
writing of this new, self-writing guidelines
before are not functioning anymore.
Any assistance we give to Allah SWT. So
become a bergunan charities in the day and then later, amen .......
Banda Aceh, January 2007
Drafting Team
Introduction Science and technology is an advancement of human civilization
very important. Because through science and technology, human
can leverage the wealth and the natural environment created by Allah Subhanahu
progress of science and technology will encourage
globalization of human life because they are easily able to overcome
dimensional-dimensional space and time in his life. Countries that already have
science and technology will be easier
perform accelerated in various fields to various other countries.
While the country is very difficult diterebos by countries other
the ability of science and technology left behind, it
this will be bad for the welfare of citizens who have
ability of science and technology are low.
development of science can be obtained through a series of
knowledge extracted, compiled, and
systematically developed using a particular approach which is based on scientific
methodology, both quantitative,
ekspoloratif qualitative and thus can explain the evidentiary nature of symptoms and / or symptoms of a particular social
For that proficiency in research methodology and scientific writing
three responsibilities of Higher Education for college students as an integral human being,
sebagaimna that has been mandated through Education, Teaching,
Research and Community Service. Even to strengthen
Research in Indonesia Government has issued Law No.. 18
of 2002 on the National System of Research, Development and
Application of Science and Technology with the placing of Higher Education
as one element of Institutional National Research System
as contained in Section Two of Article 7 which states: "
Higher Education as one of the institutional elements in the National system
Research, Development and Application of Science and Technology
functioning form of human resources in science and technology
." Looking at the two basic
very appropriate then mentioned that
students and lecturers is a scientific society groups
main task involves the ability to develop the procurement of,
utilization and promotion of science and technology with
research and writing scientific papers, this is what became
one amplifier element Research Institute in Higher Education Higher Education
making it as one element
responsible for the National Research System as
that has been discussed above. Students
as one element in the demand of high pergruan
ability to make scientific work, either result penetitian, conceptual theory,
ideas, ideas and results of development or discussion or other forms of
written or done in accordance with scientific convention
based on scientific honesty . Activity of writing scientific papers in strata
quality assessment of the university has a very high weight
. Therefore, this activity as one of the college principal tasks such
three responsibilities outlined in the university.
In realizing the paper, requires a good guideline,
so as to create a uniform format as one of the characteristics typical of an institution
, Guidelines for writing scientific papers is limited
as thesis writing guidelines to meet the special needs of the academic community
Faculty of Teaching and Science Education University
Veranda of Mecca. Therefore, these guidelines since issued
serve as a reference for students writing thesis
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) University of the Veranda of Mecca.
In this introductory chapter formulated in terms of scientific papers,
writing scientific papers, and understanding sikripsi.
2. Understanding Scientific Work
scientific work is a paper that examines, loading,
discloses a problem, symptoms, certain phenomena, or
new findings in a field of science and technology, and art that can give
new contribution to the repertoire of science, technology, and
art using scientific principles. As for, the meaning of the rules of scientific
is that the scientific work using the methods of scientific
in discussing the problems, presents kajiannnya with
using standard language and procedures of scientific writing, and using scientific principles
others, which are objective, logical,
empirical, systematic, simple, clear, and consistent.
At first, scientific writing is writing that is based on
a scientific research only. But in a broader sense,
scientific writing can be a result of research, the results of a study
of a problem, a conceptual theory, ideas and ideas, or
a new issue is analyzed by using the method or procedure is quite appropriate scientific
last view illustrates that a scientific paper deemed
when seen from the accuracy / suitability
use of scientific method in examining a problem and updating a
problem. Understanding scientific work itself has many
formulated by experts in a different way-diff ¬. Understanding
limiah work in these guidelines is limited as a work written
research results, the results of literature review or discussion, the idea
and development results which revealed a new finding that
new contributions to the repertoire of science
written in accordance with scientific procedures and follow guidelines or conventions agreed upon scientific
or set accompanied
principle of scientific honesty. Presentation done carefully, systematically,
logical, consistent, and has a scientific honesty.
scientific works written in languages \u200b\u200b(Indonesian or English) is good,
regular, consistent and effective, using the rules of standard language, and
avoid personal protrusion author.
3. Understanding
Thesis Thesis is the official scientific papers (thesis) written
students in completing undergraduate studies (S1). Thesis is
evidence of academic ability of a student in understanding,
identify, and solve problems related
by field of study / area of \u200b\u200bexpertise is practiced through
research or discussion of an issue. Therefore, the thesis
prepared in accordance with scientific procedure and follow the guidelines or
scientific conventions that have been agreed or determined. At the end
stage, what is written in the thesis is defended by
thesis students in an exam as a prerequisite for achieving
degree in education at the University FKIP Veranda of Mecca.
4. The purpose of Writing Thesis / Worksheets
purpose of writing a scientific paper or thesis by each student are as follows
1. Provide practical experience as a candidate's degree in menyandra
various social phenomena in education
2. Improving the ability of prospective graduates in identifying, analyzing and solving problems
specific areas of the
3. Develop students' competence in scientific thinking and acting
, review and communicate ideas and phenomena of thought that owned
in writing.
4. It is the final task to complete the final project and meet
a prerequisite for achieving a degree of education.
In writing of this chapter described several provisions of writing thesis for
students of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) University
Veranda of Mecca. Such provisions include, among others
academic requirements, proposals, supervising, mentoring, and exams
A. Conditions for Student Academic Writing Thesis Would
Students who are allowed to propose (proposal) if the writing
thesis has met the requirements as follows
1. Students are active and registered (active) in the current semester.
2. Having passed a minimum of 140 credits with a grade point communi ¬
latif (GPA) of 2.75.
3. Having passed subject research methodology, statistics
Education, Seminar / Koloqium with a minimum value of B.
4. Include a sign-making thesis in Card Plan Stu ¬ at (KRS).
5. Have occupied half of the seven do not include non-active semester,
for students who never took the non-active
B. Thesis Proposal Submission
The student proposals need to consider some
following provisions;
1. Students should select a problem / thesis title related to the field
education / learning or special problem in accordance with the course pursued
2. Student thesis proposal after consultation with the de ¬
academic supervisor (PA) or guardian lecturers through Ka.
Program Studies / Ka. Programs respectively.
3. Ka. Study Program / Chairman of the Department forward the proposal to
reviewers (prospective faculty mentors) who are considered to understand the problems posed
. Shipping or delivery of proposals to reviewers
no later than one week before the review takes place.
4. Ka. Study Program / Chairman of the Department establish a review schedule
student thesis proposal, by inviting lecturers reviewers, and if
allows announce or invite other students who will soon submit a proposal
thesis. This means, the assessment
minimal thesis proposal followed by a student who submitted a proposal
, chairman of the department, the prospective thesis supervisor, lecturer
reviewers, and students of the course which will soon submit a proposal
thesis. Review proposals may be from another
majors, if the problem to be written by the students strongly associated with the ability
5. In front of students who submit a proposal, reviewers assess the feasibility
proposals and provide input to
realization of a thesis proposal which deserves from various scientific perspectives
6. Framework / systematics proposal contains the following thesis.
Before writing the thesis begins with the preparation of proposals or research
called research proposal. In preparing the proposal
need to load the following steps:
1). Chapter I Introduction
1. Background (able to give confidence that the problem
examined were quite important for the development of science, technology
, art, and profession, hence the birth feasibility why
problem that must be investigated, in the explanation of the background issues
able to express clearly the author description
problems will be studied, with building should be and actual pattern, thus the difference
both these aspects need to be answered with in-depth research
). To facilitate understanding of the reader, the background behind
explained briefly and clearly and directed by
use patterns deduction or induction.
2. The formulation of problem (comprehensive cover all the variables)
Objective 4. Basic assumption and hypothesis (no
descriptive studies have been hypothesized)
5. Benefits Research (theoretically and practically)
6. Organization
Research Report 2). Chapter II. The foundation of theory. Proposal mahsiswa
In this chapter the students do not need to discuss and analyze
theory will be used in detail, but that needs detailed
are topics and sub-sub
principal that will be analyzed as a basis for research.
3). Research methodology Chapter III
In this research methodology includes a variety of things related
methods to be used and data sources
research, to note errors in the methodology will also
cause erroneous results, therefore
research methodology should be appropriate to the nature of the problem, goal to be achieved
and data sources to be used.
In this chapter must contain:
- Population and sample
collection techniques - processing and analysis techniques data)
All these elements need to be explained in detail and all necessary details
something sounded in this chapter.
4). References used. No provision
number of
bibliography should be used in a study. But keep in mind
consistency and an adequate amount of bibliography will also be mempekuat
scholarly content of the paper.
7. The Review recommends thesis proposal and subsequent
forwarded by the student to the Ka. Prodi / Ka. Department to get approval and determination
mentors by decree (SK)
faculty leadership.
8. Supervising assistant principal and supervisor re-do coaching
carefully the entire contents of the proposal, research instruments,
and other prangkat needed in research, as well as schedule
research before the research conducted.
9. Supervising assistant principal and supervisor sign the sheet
approval of research.
10. After obtaining approval Ka. Prodi / Ka. Majors, students apply for a permit
research to the Chair of Faculty.
C. Thesis Advisor
Supervising faculty thesis is fixed or extraordinary
Keguruaan and Sciences Faculty of Education University
Veranda of Mecca who have insight knowledge and skills that are high in
disciplines related to the issues / topics that
dibimbingnya thesis.
provisions concerning the thesis supervisor arranged as follows.
(1) Supervising thesis established by Ka. Prodi / Ka. Programs
based on relevance and ability with which
thesis topic will be written by students.
(2) The amount of 2 people supervising thesis consists of supervising the main
(1) and assistant coach (2).
(3) The requirements that must be met by the prospective supervisor is
as follows:
Main Advisor:
- S3 or Prof.
- S2 Minimal Lektor (III / c)
- Minimum S1 Lektor Head (IV / a)
Supervising Assistant:
- S2, S3 or Pro
- Minimum S1 Assistant Expert (III / b)
(4) If the Programs Study / Programs that have not been able to meet certain requirements and qualifications
position for prospective mentor
to adjust to existing conditions with the consideration that the main supervisor
preferred area of \u200b\u200bexpertise despite his rank
lower than supervising servants.
(5) Duties of Advisors and Assistant Advisors
a. Provide direction regarding preparation of proposals, systematics
and thesis material.
b. Sharpen and focus on problem formulation, research objectives and
other matters pertaining to research methodology
c. Review and provide recommendations on procedures,
instruments, and data collection tools to be used.
d. Give final approval to the thesis that
manuscript will be submitted to the court scholar (preceded by the major adviser).
(6) Both the supervisor or examiner may be appointed from outside the teaching staff
department concerned, provided that the areas of expertise
accordance with the issues discussed in the thesis.
(7) If for some reason needed a change or turn of
mentors can be done without having to replace the title or a total change of mateda
thesis which has been implemented by
students with tutors in advance.
(8) If there is something and other things that cause
process guidance, do not go well, the turn supervisor can only be done through nomination
back by Ka. Prodi / Ka. Programs
to the leadership of faculty.
(9) Permanent Lecturers Foundation to act as mentors as
provisions in points (3) above, if it has a functional
positions of Higher Education or have made proposals based on the PAK and cover letters Kopertis
Region I (10) Guidance is an attempt direct result of theoretical studies and field
students based on scholarly principles, rather than forcing the will of the supervising
4. Thesis Writing Guidance
The provisions regarding the guidance in the writing of
arranged as follows.
(1) Coaching must be done well and thoroughly
with respect to process skills, scientific principles,
principles of democracy, and justice.
understanding and skills should be possessed by students in the process of doing thesis
not just produce the product so that he separated from
obligations. However, it ¬ - matters relating to the suitability of the studied
problems with student discipline, originality
problem, orisionalitas data, use of language, technical writing
referral and referral, and technical writing should be according to rules or writing a custom
scientific papers (thesis). And as far as possible
results writing useful in the development of science, technology and art
(2) The formal guidance by the supervisor began supervising
appointment until thesis is completed.
(3) Guidance thesis is expected to finish third fastest
months and a maximum of 6 months from the decree issued Advisors. However
extension of time can be done at the old lx 6 months.
If past the time limit, then the supervisor is obliged to ask
ability students settle the obligation and
notify the head of department concerned to
taken appropriate steps.
(4). Thesis to be approved by a supervisor if repairs
have been carried out in accordance with the directives.
(5) Thesis which has completed the process pembimbingannya
approved by the supervisor and the student subsequently handed to the Chairman
Prodi / Programs to determine jaduwal undergraduate exams.
(6) Chairman Prodi / Programs proposed to the faculty to
setting a schedule of examinations and testing team. When proposing and
determination that no more than a week since
student thesis manuscript submitted to the department chairman.
(7) Based on the determination of the team of examiners and exam schedule by
Chairman Prodi / Programs, Chairman Prodi / Programs to create and deliver
letter of invitation to the team of examiners to conduct examinations of approved graduate
by the leader of the faculty.
(8) Shipping invitation thesis exam (exam graduate) to the test team and the draft
thesis which has been signed by
main supervisor and assistant supervisor.
1. Understanding Exam Exam
Bachelor's degree in these guidelines is to test
thesis and comprehensive examination of the experience of learning in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Science by a team of testers who have been appointed by the Chairman
Prodi / Programs. The test covers all aspects and
substance thesis and thesis students accountable for the contents of the
good. And the knowledge mastery exam courses / majors
expertise, or other elements of education and professional skills as a candidate
good teacher.
In addition, the test team did a comprehensive exam, which tests the mastery of knowledge
field of study or area of \u200b\u200bexpertise,
field of education, and professional skills of students concerned
as the accountability of science that has been mastered. Both exams are conducted in an integrated
during undergraduate examinations
Here are the provisions regarding the degree exam (thesis and comprehensive exams
) and graduated scholar.
2. Test Conditions
Bachelor degree In the performance tests require the preparations done
as follows;
(i) Chairman Prodi / Programs create and submit a letter of invitation to the team of scholars
test examiners in accordance with a predetermined schedule.
(2) The draft thesis students will have received guidance
tested and approved by the principal supervisor and assistant supervisor.
(3) The draft was submitted to the test team each 1 (one) together with ex
graduate exam invitation letter to 2 people and 2 mentor
examiners, at least 1 (one) week prior to exam day.
(4) Examination is mandatory for all undergraduate
graduate students and to determine whether or not a student in the completion
education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science Education University
Veranda of Mecca.
(5) Chairman of the graduate exams are faculty-led, while the Chairman
Prodi / Programs is a secretarial degree exam.
(6) Chairman of the test team whose job is the main Advisors
leading scholars since the beginning of the exam until the exam ends.
3. Following the Exam Requirements Bachelor
It there are some things that become a requirement for students untu
justified exam (bachelor thesis and comprehensive exams)
a. Having passed all courses and has completed all activities
Other academic curriculum established in every department
b. Has paid all tuition and fees semester during college semester underway
and other requirements established by the faculty
c. The team of examiners consists of 4 persons consists of 2 professors who
lecturers and 2 lecturers supervising examiners established by the leadership of faculty based on the proposal
department chairman.
d. The tester must be professors who have the same field of expertise with the material
de ¬ thesis.
e. Implementation testing of a student should only be done ¬
if attended by a team of examiners in full and one
preceptor. If one team of testers (not mentor)
not berhadir, Chairman Prodi / Programs to replace the test team.
f. Time to test a student scholar for at least 200
minutes, not including hours of rest if the time required by
g. Assessment in undergraduate examinations generally include the following two aspects.
a. Assessment of students' ability to maintain the content of their thesis.
b. Assessment of students' ability to master knowl ¬
knowledge areas of expertise, the field of education, and peace of skill ¬
other skills deemed necessary to increase
4. Graduated Bachelor degree graduated
is the final announcement of the students' ability
to all academic achievement, including test scores
degree. Judicium done by the leader of the faculty after graduate exam
An eligible student has met
judicium if academic requirements are as follows.
(1) Having passed the exam
thesis (2) has been improving the thesis in accordance with the advice or input
team of examiners and mentor.
(3) Thesis has been signed by the team of examiners and faculty leaders.
(4) thesis has been handed over to the main supervisor and assistant supervisor
, departments, faculties, library each one
copies as evidenced by a proof of delivery. Judicium
scholar carried out collectively by the faculty in
range once a month. Activities led by the Dean graduated
FKIP and attended by the Chairman Prodi / Department, and Supervisor. PART IV TECHNICAL
Thesis Writing
Each university has its own form and cirikhas in
thesis writing techniques, both in terms of format, the number of chapters,
citation techniques, writing a list of libraries and so forth. However,
when examined in depth, in depth, all forms of scholarly works written
show students there are some similarities
formats and writing techniques.
Therefore, to maintain uniformity in the technique - technique,
form, the number of the chapter FKIP need to set things as follows
1. Use of Language Education Programs
For students of English.
language used in writing the thesis is English. For students
Non-Education Programs in English, the language used is Indonesian
English and Bahasa Indonesian is meant here is
standard language that is has some features, such as precise, clear, straightforward
, and in accordance with the provisions - provisions and kaedah
writing, making it easier for the reader in digesting the contents of
thesis, the language used must be communicative and clear. Accuracy
use of language is a flair for students in
select vocabulary, composing sentences and paragraphs that do not overlap
overlap. Obviously meaning, sentence elements such as subject, prediket,
objects, and information and its relationships are clearly visible. In the
every sentence is a part of which is the subject, which part is prediket
, and which part is the object (in
transitive element), and which part is the description (if
any) so that each sentence contained in
thesis meets the requirements of rules of grammar.
Lugas means the language used did not result in a double sense.
The shape and choice of words and sentence structure only allows one
tapsiran option, namely tapsiran corresponding author
dencjan intent. Every word used in the weighting given meaning
sewajamya so it does not need to be repeated by various synonyms or
parallelism. Use of the word metaphor if possible be avoided.
Likewise, the use of metaphor avoided because of the language straightforward
must immediately show the problem. In addition, the language
keekonomisannya straightforward due consideration so that the writing of thesis
preferring solid content, not much or a solid word.
Communicative means what is in catching the reader from the
discourse is presented together with its author. Communicative discourse can
make if presented in a logical and tersistem. It looks
Kelogisan the relationships among the sections in the sentence,
between sentence in paragraph, and between the linea in a
bersistem means a description that is presented showing that
regular sequence. Logical and orderly relationship was reflected in the accuracy
intrakalimat use of conjunctions like because,
so, so, and, then, but the accuracy and use of words or phrases connecting
antarkalimat for example so, however, on the contrary,
therefore, in addition to that, in connection with it, and with such
. In addition, of course punctuation participate
support the presentation of a logical description and applying it.
problem using the word / term local and foreign or abbreviation
also need attention in the use of language in the thesis.
Use of the word / term foreign or local, if not available within the general guidelines
available in Indonesian or English.
term - foreign terms should be capitalized gathering
If there are terms that need to be strengthened with a foreign language, written language advance
Indonesia, and included foreign istiiah
placed in parentheses and digaribawahi or typed in italics. Spelling
used is Indonesian Language Spelling Disempumakan
(EYD). Writing the word or term and use fungtuasi (
sign read) really need to consider the rules contained in
in the General Guide Indonesian Spelling enhanced.
2. Parts of the Thesis
In writing a thesis or other scientific work
basically consists of three parts, the first part, the contents, and the
end. Each section contains the following contents.
a. Section Home
first section contains a number of sheets that contain, namely:
(1) Gazette the approval and ratification (see attachment)
(2) Abstract (maximum 1 page single-spaced)
(3) Preface
(4) Table of Contents
( 5) List of Tables, if thesis contains tables
(6) List of Figures / Graphs, if needed
(7) List of Annexes
b. Section Contents
The content is often also referred to as the body of a thesis.
This section consists of a number of chapters, each chapter contains at least
as follows.
(1) Chapter I Introduction, contains the background, the formulation of the problem,
research objectives, basic assumptions, hypotheses and research organizations
report. The hypothesis is not required in every thesis, must
seen from the nature of research undertaken.
(2) Chapter II: The foundation of theory or study literature, presents a number of
theories or research results that support the research problems. Platform
not move the text book theory, but
analyze and discuss issues that will be researched based on
number of theories and previous research results that can dinyakini
truth that can strengthen research problems, and supported by
citations as necessary.
(3) Chapter III Methods of Research, among others, contain, the method will be used in research
(contains detailed and clear explanation
about the type of research, population and sample research, engineering
data collection, data processing techniques and organization
research reports, each element is described as detailed as possible,
because each element in the methodology are interrelated. Example
in data collection techniques mentioned questionnaire and interview.
interview results also should be analyzed to support conclusion of each
the issues discussed.
(4) Chapter IV Results and Discussion Results of Research,
presenting research results obtained in the form
facts and results analysis. Furthermore, research results are discussed in a comprehensive
. The discussion carried out
argumentative reinforced with basic theory, concepts, or
an established opinion (as far as possible the latest), either already used in chapter II
or theories, concepts, other opinion
obtained during the research process took place.
(5) Chapter V Conclusion, contains conclusions and suggestions. Fill in the
conceptual and conclusions should be directly related to
problem and research purposes. The conclusion does not stand for
the points discussed, but the analysis discussion can
used as a concept in accordance with the purpose of research.
conclusion must be answered all the purposes of research and
other conclusions that have been associated in accordance with
described in detail in Chapter I. Besides, the chapter could be added
conclusions with theoretical conclusions as
which has been discussed in chapter II, but the main one must
answered all the purposes of research and issues that have been
formulated in advance. Tata
sequence in the conclusion should be the same as
sequences that are in Chapter II and Chapter III. it is necessary to create consistency
contents and sort order for the conclusion, so
easier for all readers.
In Chapter V is also presented suggestions. Suggestion
should always be sourced from the data analysis on
research findings and results of studies that support the theory. In other words,
advice not out of the limits of the scope and implications of the results
- results of research. Feedback should be specific, detailed, and operations so as to facilitate
others interpret or implement them.
Suggestions submitted to the parties related to the problem, results,
and research findings.
c. Closing Section
The concluding section of a thesis consists of some of the following.
(1) List
Bibliography (2) List of appendices. A good thesis
contain some things that can strengthen the findings and the manufacturing process that is;
a. Letter of appointment of supervisor's decision;
b. The certificate of permission to conduct research
c. A letter has completed its inquiry;
d. Data table as counting and verification test results,
(3) Glossary of Terms (if any)
(4) Curriculum Vitae of the author placed on the last page.
3. Systematic
Thesis Typing Typing or copying thesis done on paper A4 quarto-sized white
(210.0 x 297.0 mm) that weighs 70 grams.
4. Use of Letters Thesis
letter used in writing a thesis is
Times New Roman 12 pt, all the thesis is typed using the letters that
homogenik, except the font size for typing the contents of tables, graphs or other illustrations
can be smaller with simple notes on reading.
Instruments thesis typing using a computer.
5. Margin Thesis
For uniformity of the format on each page thesis,
typing is not allowed out of the boundaries of the following margin. Terms
margin limit is valid also for typing tables,
pictures, graphics, or other forms of illustration. (Therefore if
table is too large and impossible to be minimized in the typing table
okay portrait was made in the format lansdcape).
(a) left-margin = 4.00 cm;
(b) Margin top = 3,5,00 cm;
(c) Margin bottom = 3,5,00 cm;
(d) Right Margin = 2.50 cm;
6. Use of Space
All parts of the contents within a typed thesis
row two spaces, including the distance between the subtitle / sub-subtitle with
line underneath the first paragraph and spacing antarparagraf, except, in
the following points.
(1) Abstract (1 space).
(2) Table of contents (in one space and inter-point 1 point 2 spaces).
(3) Quotes Direct more than 4 lines (1 space).
(4) References in each library (1 space), anatar bibliography
(2 spaces).
(5) Title, Sub-title, title of table, graph, or captions that
over one line (1 space).
(6) Fill the table or attachment (range 1-2 spaces).
(7) Distance subtitle or chapter title with a new paragraph (4 spaces).
(8) Distance of last line of a paragraph with a subtitle (4 spaces).
(9) Distance of last line of a paragraph with a table (4 spaces).
(10) distance of title table with text table (1 space).
(11) Distance captions / charts with a new paragraph or subtitles (4 spaces).
7. Numbering Halaman Skripsi
Seluruh bagian pembukaan skripsi diberi nomor halaman dengan
angka Romawi kecil, kecuali untuk halaman sampul, lembaran pengesahan
pembimbing, dan lembaran pengesahan panitia ujian. Penomoran dimulai
dari halaman kata pengantar yang dihitung dari halaman lembaran
sampul. Semua nomor halaman bagian pembukaan ini ditempatkan
ditengah-tengah tepi bawah (2 spasi dari margin bawah).
Seluruh bagian isi dan penutup skripsi diberi nomor halaman dengan
angka Arab. Semua nomor halaman ini ditempatkan pada tepi kanan atas
(2 spasi di atas margin atas). Semua halaman tempat terdapat judul
bab, nomor halamannya ditempatkan ditengah-tengah tepi bawah (2 spasi
dari margin bawah).
8. Title
thesis title and chapter titles
typed in capital letters (capital) and placed in the middle of the upper edge. Number and
chapter headings typed as a single unit. Chapter number with the digits typed
Romanic (uppercase) placed in front of the chapter title. Likewise
titles at the opening
sheets typewritten in capital letters and placed amid ¬ tengan
page above. All the words in the title, either in the preamble, the contents, nor
cover, not typed sloping, except foreign language vocabulary
or regional languages.
9. Title Sub Title
a chapter can be detailed into several subtitle: A sub
title can also be broken down into several sub-subtitle. Each letter of the word first
subjudut typed in capital letters, except words
liaison and said pointer. Writing
subtitle given sequential numbers with Arabic numerals, with
point behind that number. Subtitle
not bold or italic, except the vocabulary of a foreign language or area, and not terminated
by dots. Typing subtitle (including the number) starting from the left margin
. When the subtitle is more one line typed is one
space and the second row and so begins a line parallel to the first letter
it. Distance of last line of the subtitle with the new paragraph is
two spaces.
10. Sub-Sub Titles Sub-subtitle
Numbering begins with the number subtitle and followed
with the serial number of the sub-subtitle. Number subtitle with the number of sub-subtitle
given point. All sub-word subtitle, unless the letter
beginning, is written in small letters, no bold or italics
and not given the dot. Typing
sub-titles (including numbers) starting from the left margin.
If the words Sub-sub title more than one line, typed one
space, and initiated the beginning of a line parallel to the letters on it. Distance
last line with the sub-subtitle with new paragraph as
case with subtitles, the two spaces. Distance of last line of a paragraph
with subtitle or subtitle are four sub-spaces.
11. New Paragraph paragraph or paragraph
or a new paragraph is typed after a knock to
-7 from the left margin. The distance between the last line of a paragraph with the following paragraph first sentence
is equal to the distance between each
line, ie two spaces.
If within a paragraph of description, there are some sentences that need to
expressed with numbers, writing numbers
compounds can be made to the content of text paragraphs, and if very technical
can also be done in sequence and parallel to the new paragraph.
Examples of writing numbers in a paragraph that compounds with
text contents of the paragraph, then the vision outlined in the university's mission
which include: 1. Penyelenggarakan
education and teaching quality and professional, 2. Developing cultural values \u200b\u200b
masyarat, science and technology by increasing research and pangabdian
to masyarat that. 3. Develop and
open opportunities of cooperation institutional cooperation, both
with government agencies and private 4. Improving the ability of the faculty instructional
to affect the absorption and quality of learning
5. Improve services (exelent service) through
further improve the quality of institutional management.
Examples of writing numbers in sutau paragraphs written in sequence
2.1 Learning Learning is a conscious attempt a systematic and planned in
formation of personality and mental health of children, to achieve this
optimally then there are several elements, among others;
1) Environment
2) The ability of teachers
3) Learning Media
4) Learning Method
5) The ability of students
6) And
evaluation tool 12. Quotations and Referral
Excerpts are rewriting some text from a source
reading or reference. Excerpts were various kinds: direct
quote, and paraphrase, pengutipannya techniques vary. References
is the source of reading where a quote or information obtained
to strengthen a scientific work.
indirect quotation is an excerpt
expressed by language and style of the author alone, whereas a direct quotation is revealing
a problem exactly the same as the original source.
In the writing of citations to note the following points.
a. Direct quotations of less than four lines are placed in the
text between quotation marks with a distance equal to the distance line in
in the text, namely the two spaces.
There are two ways to write a direct quote. First,
author's name is called integrated in the text. For example,
As Abubakar findings and Anwar (2005: 71) that "more than 24% more teens
SMA Banda Aceh never done
deviant high-risk behaviors (juvenile deliquence) such as using drugs
, and 6% more of them had ever do free sex ".
b. Direct quotations of five lines or more placed under the line of text that preceded the last
. quotation is typed without quotation marks,
with distance one space and protrudes into seven
knock from the left margin.
Example: In accordance with Opinion Beth B. Hess (1986: 57) as follows;
The main points to remember are these;
1. Culture develope over the time According to the specific history of the group
2. Culture is learned and transmited from generation to another.
Culture is understood and shere by the members of a society
3. The culture of any one group is composed of many elements Relatively That
form a unified whole. That is, Various culture traits
(single items) and pattern (set of traits) tend to be consistent with
one ather. This consistency is Called cultural integration. ........
Dimerengkan because the quote is from a foreign language directly, but
if the quote from usual sources do not need dimerengkan but
writing exactly like the example above.
c. Indirect quotation: the name of the author may be cited
integrated in the text, or called in brackets with the year publisher. Example:
Spradley (1997, 6) suggests that the observations made by
two distinct groups of an event can lead to different interpretations
, or observations made by two different groups
of an event can menimbufkan
different interpretation (Spradley, 1977:6).
d. If the source of reference in foreign language, should be part of
quoted freely translated into Indonesian as
indirect quote) if forced to be quoted directly,
statement in a foreign language is quoted in accordance with the original and
all elements of the foreign language given underline or italics
typed (cursive). Typing the same quote with explanation (b
points above). For example, even Sutherland and Cressey (1984: 43)
perverts figures compare male and female adolescents with 15: 1.
meaning in fifteen cases of deviant behavior found in only one of
behavior occurs in young women, especially in traditional societies
. It can be seen in their
following statement: "Males Dominate the world of crime ........... The crime rate for men
greatly in excess of the rate for women in all
Regulation, a regulation all communities in Canada for example the ratio of male to fameles
convicted of serious offenses is about 15:1. The difference is even Greater
in Traditional Societies. "
e. Where in the text the author's name is not specified, listed
author's last name and referred to in published literature and
page numbers (if collected on a particular page) in parentheses at the end of the statement submitted
before the end point
sentence statement. Among the author's name and year of publication placed
comma, and between the years of publication and page number placed
colon. Example: In a descriptive study is not required to be
hypothesis (Sanapiah 1998: 36).
If there are two authors, included both the author's last name was
separated by words and, as well as the publication year. If the author
more than two people, use the abbreviation et al. (And friends)
after the author's last name first name. Words and abbreviations
et al. not underlined. For example, labor movements often begin by not terakomudirnya
keiginan and expectations (Parker, SR et al.
1992: 78). Or Menuurut Aminuddin et al. (1978:63), hemoglobin is
oxygen-carrying red pigment in red blood grains.
If there are several works published that same year from someone
author, as a differentiator is used letters a, b, and c, behind
year published in parentheses. Example: Next, Haris (2001a)
opinion that ... Opinion that the enforcement by saying
that ... (Harris, 2001b).
f. If several sources of information referenced together, the names of the author and year published
placed in a parenthesis).
follow the order of their placement year published. A semicolon (;)
separate sources of information with one another.
........ Learning Indonesian is still considered problematic
(Chaer, 1981; Badudu, 1985; Suyono, 1995).
g. If the referral does not have a year book was published, written without
Year in parentheses after mentioning the name of the author.
........ international monetary fund (Ward, No-year: 117)
13. Tables and Figures Table
intended to present the data and information in a more concise form
. Image is also a type of data or
presentation of information in graphical form, maps, diagrams, sketches, photographs, and
formulas specific science complex.
tables or images may reveal information both more effective and efficient
than using a series of sentences.
14. Table
Each table be numbered using Arabic numerals and
marked points behind the number, and followed by
title table. The title is typed in capital letters, except letters
initially and did not end with a dot). If the title is more
table one row in typed single-spaced and with pictures tabei
two spaces away. Placement of the table on a customized page with text
table and sought-balanced between left and right margins. Table
also be placed in a longitudinal or transverse to
pages. Source and other information necessary to write directly
table under the table with typed single-spaced.
Tabet 1. Number of Students Selecting
Indonesian Language Study Program Guidance and Counseling University of the Veranda of Mecca in 2003 to 2006 by Region of Origin
No. Region of Origin Year of Entry
2003 2004 2005 2006
1. Pidie 24 19 21 20
2. North Aceh 29 20 19 23
3. Aceh Timur 15 23 19 12
4. Aceh Barat 13 14 23 19
5. Central Aceh
9 3 10 12 6. South Aceh
7 4 9 9 7. The city of Lhokseumawe 10 5-8
8. City Langsa 4 5 3 9
9. Aceh Besar 7 6 15 23
10. Banda Aceh 5 4 12 35
11. Sabang 8 6 11 12
12. Outside Aceh 9 2 7 10
Total 140 111 67 192 2006
Bureau USM Academic
Table strived fit in one page. If the contents of the table is not possible
contained in one page, the rest is forwarded to the next page,
or page table that can also be connected with other papers and
folded properly. Or if the table is too long then the format may dirobah
typing in a Landscape.
15. Figure
Each image was also given a serial number that was written using Arabic numerals
, and not given the numbers behind the dot. Title
image typed in lower case (except the initial letter), not printed
thick, and does not end with a point. If the title and description
images over one line, typed within 1 (one) space that
started under the letters of the title picture. When the picture is not
own creation, the source is written at the end of captions. Placement
same picture with the placement of tables, namely the middle of the page
balanced between the left margin and right margin. Only
title image is placed under the picture.
Appendix Appendix is \u200b\u200bpart of a thesis. The things contained in the appendix should
directly related to the thesis.
If more than one appendix, each appendix be numbered with Arabic numerals
, written at the top left corner of the sheet attachment
concerned. Typing the title of the attachment the same as typing
title table (except the attachment in the form of a statement), by
lower case (except the initial letter), and if the title of the attachment of more than
one line, the next line typed 1 (one) space.
The attachment also varies, may include tables, images, and other illustrations
. Appendix placed after the bibliography, and
in one page can be loaded more than one attachment.
attachment that must exist in a thesis is;
1) Certificate of Appointment of Advisors by the Chairman of the Department;
2) Carry Permit Certificate Research / Gather Data on
lokassi research;
3) Certificate of Completion has been Conducting research from relevant agencies
4) Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
17. Daftar Rujukan
Daftar rujukan adalah daftar sumber bacaan suatu karya tulis ilmiah,
yang biasanya dicantumkan pada akhir suatu karya ilmiah, semua sumber
yang dijadikan sebagai pedoman atau yang nama pernah dirujuk dalam
suatu karya ilmiah wajib disebutkan dalam daftar rujukan.
Sumber rujukan suatu karya tulis dapat berupa buku, jumal, skripsi,
tesis, disertasi, majalah, buletin, makalah seminar, surat kabar, bank
data, microfilm, internet, hasil wawancara, foto, atau bahkan
komunikasi pribadi melalui telepon, e-mail, dan sebagainya. Semua
rujukan yang dicantumkan dalam teks skripsi atau digunakan sebagai
pedoman harus included in the list of references or all sources
readings mentioned in the list of reference can be traced or found in the text
thesis. That's why the title of this section
called the reference list. Lecture or lecture notes are not warranted
as a source of reference, unless already booked or the dictates of
officially published. And that's regarded as a weak reference
18. Drafting Rules of Writing Bibliography
adopts a referral list
American Psychological Association (APA). Here are the rules that must
considered in preparing the reference list.
(1) References are placed on the cover sheet of the thesis.
(2) LIST REFERENCES typed with all capital letters, placed in the middle so that the distance
left margin to right margin balance.
(3) Source of referral that would be included in
reference list in alphabetical order the names of the author or the
lembaya issued if there is no author's name.
(4) References to the distance between the first row is the four-space.
(5) If the data source of reading more than one line, subsequent lines
typed single space, and initiated after knocking
eight from the left margin.
(6) Each line of the end of a source of reading ends with a dot.
(7) The distance between the end of a line source of reading with first line reading
next source are two spaces.
(8) is not justified to change the characters (letters), Latin as
question mark (?) To alpha, beta, gamma and others from the original title
reference source.
19. Writing Resources References References in
1) Books as a Source of Reference
reference sequence information about the book is as follows.
a. The name of the author,
b. Year published,
c. Titles of books,
d. Place of publication, and
e. The name of the publisher.
Each mention of information, except the mention of the publication,
end with a dot. After a marked rise
point two (:).
If not specified the name of the author, but the name of the institution that
issued, the order of mention in the bibliography to:
a. name of institution / agency / institution issuing,
b. year published,
c. publication title, and
d. place of publication.
If not specified the name of the author and not the name of the institution that publishes
, penyajiannnya sequence is,
b. first word books / essays,
c. year published,
d. title of book (essays (complete), where the rising
e., and f.
publisher name.
Here's a more detailed explanation of writing each and every item mentioned above.
a. Name Authors Writing
1) author's name is written as complete , without including the author's academic degree
2) The writing is done by mentioning the name of the author's last name or clan
first, then first name. The last name was first written
separated by commas (,) from the first
name written on the back end of the name.
----- Coleman James Coleman, James
Sanapiah --- Faisal Faisal, Juanita H. Sanapiah
---- William H. Williams, Juanita.
way of writing the name of the author as it does not apply to
Chinese names for the Chinese name first name element is the name lamili
. So, the names of Chinese authors in the reference list need not
behind the pack.
Example: The Liang Gie
Lie Tie Gwan
Name The Lian Seng Gie placed in the order of the letters T and Lie Tie
Gwan name placed on the order of the letter L.
3) If in the referenced book that listed the name of the editor,
writing is done by adding the abbreviation (Ed.) dibetakang
name. Abbreviations (Eds.) are used if more than one editor. Abbreviations
Ed. or Eds. begins with a capital letter and ends
with a dot, is placed in brackets with a distance of one
knock from the name of the editor.
Letheridge, S. and Cannon, CR (Eds.). 1980. Bilingual Educahon:
Home Teaching as a Second Language. New York: Preager.
Aminuddin (Ed.). 1990. Development Qualitative Peneliban
in Language and Literature Division. Malang: HISKI Commissariat Malang.
4) If the author made up of two people, the first author's name written
accordance with the provisions of item 2), which is written last name first
, while the second author's name written in the order
usual. In the second arttara author's name was used in conjunction
and (not underlined).
Beuransah, Banta and Abdulfah Rani
5) If the author consists of three persons or more, write the name of first author
only in accordance with the provisions of para 2) and
added abbreviation et al. (The form is complete and his friends)
and not underlined.
Example :
Kadir, Abdul et al.
6) If some book referenced was written by an author,
author's name is mentioned only once in a book called first, while for the next
enough in the past for Strep
beat and ends with a colon followed by a year and the next
example: Hassan, Fuad
b. Writing in the Rising
1) Writing in the rising written after the author's name and
dibubuhkan rising year after the dot.
Example: Aminuddin (Ed.). 1990.
2) If the number of books that made
literature written by an author and published in the same year, the placement of the order
based on alphabetical order of title.
criteria of distinction are rising, that is affixed to the letters a, b, and c
published after year, without distance. Example:
Hassan, Fuad. ----------- 1982a 1982b
3) If some of the books used as reference material
was written by an author, but in a different publication, the preparation of a list of libraries
done with the sequence in order of publication (from which
The most long until the most recent.)
4) If the book is used as reference material did not mention the year
the publication, in the preparation of the bibliography is called Without Year.
Both these words beginning with capital letters and not underlined.
Johan. Without Year.
Amin, Muhammad. Without Year.
c. Book Title
1) The title of the book is placed after the year published and given underscores
each tilt said or typed (cursive).
The title is written with a capital letter at the beginning of each word that is not
word task as in, to, from, to, from, uniuk, for, and,
that, with, which is not terietak at the starting position. Behind the title
placed a dot.
Robert Bogdan, C. 1998.
Qualitative Research for Education: an intruduction to theory and Methods. Boston,
London, Sydney and Toronto: Allyn and Bacon Inc. Debert
Miller, C. 1980. Handbook of Research Design
and Social Measurement, New York: David McKay Company, Inc..
Setiarso, Bambang. 1997. Application of Information Technology in
Documentation and Library System. Surabaya: Erland.
2) Research reports, dissertations, thesis, dissertation, or article that
not yet issued or published, in a written bibliography
begins and ends with quotation marks. be in italics
for that source is the name of the magazine, reports, journals, theses,
theses, dissertations and papers.
Abubakar and Suwaibatul Islamiyah, 2007. Role and Function
Implimentasi Madrasah Committee in Achieve Independence and Regional Autonomy
Education. " Research Reports Higher Education is not published. Banda Aceh: LP2M
University Veranda of Mecca.
3) The elements of information, such as volume and edition,
placed after the title. Writing a description was written with a capital letter at the beginning of the word
, except the word task and ending with the point.
Hess, Beth. B. 1987. Sociology.
Second Edition. London: Macmillan Publishing Company.
Tirtarahardja, Umar and La Sula. 2003. Introduction to Education, Second Edition
. New York: Publisher Rineka Reserved.
4) If a source of reference is the work of translation without the financial year
source, the source of such literature can
following as examples:
Zeitlin. Irving M. 1995. Understand Back Sociology, Critique of Sociological Theory
Kontempore. Anshori and Juhanda translator. From
Rethinking Sociology, A Critique of Contemporary Theory (No Year).
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Parker, SR et al. 1992. Industrial Sociology. Translation by G.
Kartasapoetra, of The Sociology of Industry, (No year).
Jakarta: PT. Reneka reserved.
5) If the source of reference is the work of existing translation source
fiscal year, the source of such literature can
following as examples:
Yusuf Qaradawi (original 1991) How to Understand
Islamic Shari'ah. Translated by Nabhani Idris from Madkhal Li Diraasat
ash-Shariah al-Islamiyah, the year 1991. New York: Islamuna Press.
d. Place of Publication and Publisher Name
1) Place published reference sources / references, both books and other reference
placed after the title or description title (for example:
edition, vol.) After the publication was written the name of the issuer with
separated by a colon from the place of publication with a distance of one
2) After the mention of the name of the publisher placed a dot.
3) If a reference book without the author's name and was written on behalf of
institution, then the writing of reference are as follows:
Anonimous. 2001. Regional Regulation of Special Province of Aceh.
Banda Aceh: Office of Information and Communication of Aceh.
Central Bureau of Statistics. 1993. Statistical pocketbook of Indonesia. Jakarta: BPS.
2) If the source of reference is the magazine or newspaper article
If the source of reference comes from an article in a magazine or newspaper, then the pattern preparation
bibliography based on the following sequence:
a. name of the author,
b. year published,
c. title of the article,
d. magazine name,
e. issue to how much (if any),
f. magazine issue number or month,
g. page numbers,
Each mention of testimony author name, year published, and
title of the article ends with a dot. Magazine name and year terbitan
dipisahkan oleh satu ketukan, sedangkan nomor majalah ditempatkan di
dalam tanda kurung. Nomor halaman dipisahkan dengan tanda titik dua
dari nomor majalah.
Syahkubat. 2006. Profesionalisme Mengajar Guru suatu Tinjauan
Teoritis dan Prktik. Jurnal Kependidikan Metologika FKIP Univ.
Pasundan Bandung. Volume 6. (1), Januari 2003 : 12-20.
3) Jika sumber acuan berasal dari artikel dalam surat
kabar, urutan penyebutan keterangannya adalah sebagai berikut:
a. nama pengarang,
b. tahun terbit.
c. judul artikel,
d. nama surat kabar,
e. tanggal terbit.
Tiap-tiap penyebutan keterangan, kecuali penyebutan nama surat kabar,
end with a dot. Name of newspaper and date published
separated by commas.
Hasibuan, Joey. 1989. 15% Behaviours of Young High School North Sumatra has
do Relations Free Sex. Beware, March 1, 2007.
4) anthology as a Source of Reference Sequence
reference information about the essay in the anthology is
as follows:
a. name of the author,
b. year published author,,.
c. the title essay,
d. name of the collector / editor,
e. year published anthology,
f. anthology title,
g. page numbers,
h. where rising
Each mention of information, except the mention of the place rises,
end with a dot. After the publication placed the sign
colon. Explanation of the name of the author of the book, the book, name of publisher
also apply to the author of essays in the anthology. (Check
provisions regarding the book as a reference source).
Kartodirdjo, Sartono. 1977. "Method of Use of Material Documents"
In Kontjaraningrat (Ed.) 1980. Community Research Methods.
Pg. 67-92. New York: Scholastic.
Preface In the preface to a thesis contains
gratitude to Allah SWT and invocation to the Prophet Muhammad. And thanks to
mentors and the parties that it is necessary that the success
making a good thesis for preparation, implementation or have
assist authors during the education. Posts
PREFACE written in capital letters, symmetrical in
upper limit of typing and without the dot. Preface text typed with double space
(two spaces). The text can not exceed two pages
quarto size paper. At the end of the text (on the bottom right corner
) included the author's name and signature.
21. Abstract Abstract
is the presentation of the contents of a scientific paper in a solid and brief
or often called rangkumam contents of a thesis, at least
contain the problem under study objectives, methodology and results of research
. The length of an abstract not exceeding one page or between 250-300 words typed
is one space.
22. Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae
thesis writer should be presented in narrative and
using third-person perspective (rather than using my words or you
. The things that need to be contained in the history of life is full
author name, place and date of birth, education history,
relevant organizational experience, and information about the achievements
ever achieved during the study at college or at
learning time in primary and secondary schools. Those already
family to include the name of husband / wife and son and daughter.
typed memoir with a single space (one space).
23. Legalization Thesis
1. Thesis is considered valid if have been accounted for dihapan
Team Examiners in accordance with the requirements specified above
2. It has been ratified by the two tutors, known by the Chairman
Prodi / Programs and approved by the dean of faculty (Form
endorsement sheet attached)
3. It has been endorsed by the team and acknowledged by the Chief Examiner
Prodi / Programs (Form Validation Tester Team Attached).
23. Penalties - Penalties and Violations
A. Thesis Writing Serious Violations of Student
1. Taking part or in whole thesis of others
intact for adoption into the work itself by not mentioning the original source
2. Buying thesis made by others with
a certain price without engaging in a variety of things to perfection
thesis completion.
3. Falsified one or two signature
supervisor to expedite its completion.
4. Forging signatures of examiners and the leadership team of faculty. Serious Violation Penalties
sanctions against many serious
conducted based on evaluation and deliberation
all elements involved, led by Head of Study Program / Programs after
coordinating with faculty leadership. Sanctions - sanctions that can be given
a. Delaying the hearing within a specified period, by requiring
fix fraud / abuse, as appropriate.
b. Delaying graduated within a specified period, by requiring
repair fraud / breach is as it should
c. Delaying the process of making a diploma in a certain time, with
require repair fraud /
the offense as it should.
d. The failure to graduate exam and must re-take exams
as usual, though no longer obliged to pay court costs.
B. Copyright infringement
1. Creating a thesis student to request compensation in the amount of certain
without regard to professional ethics
2. Inhibit the process of counseling with a variety of reasons and not related
academic interests
3. Not attend the examination of students who graduate in bimbingnnya.
4. Signing a student thesis without studying beforehand, either
suitability of content, terms and other research documents. Copyright Violation Penalties
Determination is the supervising authority of the Chairman Prodi / Programs that
required precision and accuracy in filing the appropriate name of the supervising
with issues under review by the student. Proposed
coach based solely on the suitability of these with the problem of the supervising
written by students. Therefore
supervisor may be taken outside the course concerned.
However, in the implementation guidance may be various
violations above occur, then the sanctions - sanctions that are given more
lead to sanctions that can educate and
enforce morality as a lecturer, in consultation
terlibih formerly with faculty leadership. Sanctions - sanctions
can be for example by reducing its involvement as mentors and examiners
C. Prevention efforts Deviations
Thesis Writing 1. Sales thesis is unlawful, because included in the category of duping
, both for the students and the author, by
therefore Ka. Prodi and related parties to socialize to
all parties to eliminate this deviation.
2. Advisors who has been appointed must participate actively
guiding students who have limitations in
thesis writing with full responsibility in accordance with scientific ethics and professionalism
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