Friday, April 8, 2011

What Does A Brazillian Wax Looks Like


Broken car? Well, that's not raining:)

Today is cried. Just like that, the stress, some have problems with family, spending a lot of imposed at one time. Luckily, someone close quickly responded and offered good beer. Just like that, selflessly and not that it is poured. Friends are precisely to remind us what kind of truth, and we affirm our belief that we need not change just because we are afraid of something or worried about something. This is mega important in life. Thanks Anna.

positive or normal

recently, so quite by accident, I went into a discussion about politics with my good friend, the author of the blog. Despite my admiration for the work of Mek, we have completely different political views. As a convinced fan lots of love that is the OP, here I stood before a challenge, to prove my thesis. Known for my inappropriate optimism and such to-yaw-perception-good-stuff in everything I was subjected to a series of questions. "You read for sure only positive articles about Tusku and why you like him." It's a fact. That is all I am. Deviated, I see only good in people things. I love people for what they are doing well, and terms such consider relationships with people. I believe that every person is good and do not bother pointing out the negative thinking and the people and close bugs. Maybe it's because she also is not perfect.

What a mess you

I no longer about that Mr Tusk, I'm worrying about, but that, for us, Poles. For pain sees only the negative things in people, no matter how much good a person is doing. And if this is the politician, singer, actor, writer or even our partner. In such ponurackich tones we live, we see world and people, raise children and build a family. Lack of spontaneity, willingness for joint moments. Time with family is converted into money, and the usual picnic on the meadow is replaced by a trip to the mall completed quarrel about money.

distorted In the pursuit of recognized authorities, trades his identity and the legend is that after years of how to give the entire hard earned materiality, at the cost of re-discover themselves and to give the true colors of your life. I remember read somewhere during the study, the story of a high-ranking entrepreneurs in the United States który po 20 latach pracy w wielkiej korporacji, piastowaniu bardzo wysokich i bardzo dobrze płatnych stanowisk, porzucił karierę i rozpoczął pracę jako kierowca autobusu. "Mam więcej czasu dla rodziny i mogę bezinteresownie uśmiechać się do obcych ludzi."

Ha ha. Pamiętam kiedy wróciłam do Polski, ludzie brali mnie za wariatkę, gdy na dzień dobry pytałam się jak się czują". No bo przecież tylko wariaci są bez powodu uśmiechnięci. Tymczasem powodów do uśmiechu nigdy nie brakuje. Brakuje niestety chęci do ich dostrzegania w naszej codziennej walce z egoizmem ludzkości.

 Pozdrawiam and jumps into the bath to enhance the mood!


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