Friday, May 6, 2011

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Re: Application of the Contextual Approach to the Method of Inquiry in the Field Study of Islamic Religious Education in Enhancing Creativity and Understanding of Elementary School Students in Class V


Alamsha M. Application of the Contextual Approach to the Method of Inquiry in the Field Study of Islamic Religious Education in Enhancing Creativity and Understanding Student Class V in SDN. Thesis, Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of MT, the Islamic University of Malang.

Keywords: Contextual Approach, Inquiry, PAI, Creativity, Understanding.

Education Islamic religious schools had failed. Approaches and learning methods used appears to be still "classic", in a sense still pass on some religious subject matter that is believed true to be conveyed to students without giving them the opportunity to be addressed critically. The method used was patterned memorization, mechanical, and prefer the enrichment material. Learners lack the opportunity to provide alternative answers that can foster creativity specific.

One way that can be done is to change the approach and methods in teaching and learning activities that have so far, where the teacher is always positioned as the only source of information gain (teacher centered) and students to be passive in the search and process information, to familiarize students creatively (student centered) constructed their own understanding through their learning activities. And contextual approach to the inquiry method is an alternative to making these changes. With the use of this method is expected to help train students to be more sensitive to her and their environment, and can creatively constructed with a better understanding so that the Islamic Education subject matter can be easily internalized and can enhance students' creativity and understanding.

Departing from the above problems, the general problem formulated in this study, ie, whether the application contextual approach to the methods of inquiry in the field of Islamic studies to enhance creativity and understanding of class V students in SDN Muneng II Kediri? How does the pattern of application of a contextual approach to the inquiry method in the field of Islamic studies that can enhance creativity and understanding of class V students in SDN Muneng II Kediri?

study was conducted in SDN Muneng II Kediri. With the design of classroom action research (Classroom Action Research) type of collaborative. Phase of this study followed the model developed by Kemmis and Taggart, namely in the form of a spiral cycle which includes planning activities, implementation of action, observation, and reflection. Data gathering techniques used, namely: (1) observation, (2) measurement test learning outcomes, and (3) documentation.

qualitative data consisting of the observation and documentation were analyzed by descriptive qualitative data while the form of numbers or quantitative data is analyzed by using quantitative descriptive analysis and visual presentation.

Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the application of a contextual approach to the inquiry method in the field of Islamic studies to enhance creativity and understanding of class V students in SDN Muneng II Kediri. The increase marked by increasing students' ability to trigger a unique or original ideas (originality), create a question or answer varies (flexible), refine and develop an idea (elaboration), and bring it (expressive). Improved understanding marked by increasing students' ability to digest a careful and precise (translation), differentiate, linking and reconstitute an idea (interpretation), and the ability of students to establish a consequence or make a conclusion (extrapolation). In addition, empirical data also show improvement. Total value of the average increase students' creativity, which was originally in the pre test of 1.2 increased by 1.4 or 16% in cycle I. In cycle II, rising to 1.8 or 50%. While in the third cycle, increased to 2.2 or 83%. Comparison increase in the second cycle compared to the first cycle increased by 28%, whereas the increase in cycle cycle cycle II III than 22%, and when compared to the first cycle increased by 57%. Total value of the average increase students' understanding increased to 2.25 or by 12% in cycle I. In the second cycle, increased to 2.75 or by 37%. In cycle III, rose to 3.25 or by 62%. Comparison of increase in the second cycle compared to the first cycle increased to 22%, whereas the increase in cycle III than II cycles increased by 18%, and when compared to the first cycle increased by 44%.

From the results of this study, researchers gave some suggestions for consideration, among Other: PAI teachers, for the application of a contextual approach to the inquiry method is really effective, teachers must consistently apply the methods of inquiry, using the media to learn, trying to change students' habits by giving understanding of the inquiry method, modify the learning activities with, among others by organizing students to conduct inquiry in a group, giving the variation of the simulation, the stimulus in the form of a gift (reward), and providing motivation.


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