Kymatica laveyański
By coincidence (surely?) Came across on the side of satanism laveyańskim, which is a philosophical system - not a religion, and immediately fell to my liking, especially the commandments and the deadly sins. Although, as everywhere, and here are some odchyły, which I immediately crossed, it is with regret I must say that this form of Satanism, he speaks to me quite convincingly ...
Eleven Commandments of Satanism
first Not express their opinions or advice unless you are asked.
- pure law, without comment ...
second Not an animal with its other problems unless you are sure you want to hear them.
- for me it is a normal thing, but if inflated babsztyli slap your trap does not make sense, wanting to say anything because they can not sit in silence ...
third When you're in someone else's home (someone else's site) Pay your respects, or if you can not not go there.
- This sentence should read the Moslems of western Europe and our żydolewactwo.
4th If a guest in your home (in your area) bothers you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
- if someone wants to cut you head, what will you do? you are able to cut it?
5th Do not make sexual "progress" until we get a clear proposal for coexistence.
- that sets it apart from the religion of Satanism Satanic, it's worth reading .
6th Do not take what does not belong to you unless it is the thing for anyone to bear and a person is "crying" to be released.
- Is it so hard to understand that you can not steal?
7th Confirm the power of magic if you were able to then use it to satisfy your desires. If you deny the power of magic after use, lose everything you have obtained in this way.
- here without comment, although the belief that there is more than for the physical body.
8th Do not complain about something that does not concern you.
- Oh, yes, is there anything worse than baseless lamenting that does not concern you? "Jesus, he was so young," but she is wrong with him ", etc ...
9th Do not harm little children.
- without comment, the natural thing.
10th Do not kill animals (not humans), unless you are attacked or you need food.
- a natural thing, personally I do not eat animals. pet is usually vulnerable, and we will Whip for anything, just like that.
11th When you walk in the "open" area does not bother anyone. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If you do not cease to destroy him.
- see Fri. 4
nine Satanic sins
first Stupidity - "our shallowness, pics, big brother, ugly, etc. mcśmieć. - These are the greatest sins, and from there take a rest.
second Pretensjonalizm - damn just show artificial, particularly I am thinking of these rams, as they put all their wages in the car, just so that you poświrować because I have nothing else to offer.
third Solipsism - there is nothing worse than insensitive lewopółkulowcy ...
4th Conformist stadność - probably because I made this blog ...
5th Restriction - do not know what limitation - mental, material or reduce the desires, if the latter is the most favor. The universe is a bottomless pit, you have to take as much as possible.
6th Forgotten history Spirit - pass.
7th Uncompromising pride - yes, I was always irritated inflated persons who are butt heads.
8th Lack of aesthetic sensibility - known.
9th Megalomania - point 7 x 100
As you can see above - "the devil is not so terrible"). I recommend a little while to become familiar with this philosophy, because it is worthy of attention, even if it falls to you to taste ...
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