Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tiffany Blue Wedding Favors

Gene Brewer - K-PAX

Probably a lot of people watched a phenomenal movie about a guy, who do not know where appears suddenly in the hospital for psychos and begins to make it certain - "change." However, few people know that the film was shot on the basis of an even better book, which still allowed myself to embed fragments. So I recommend to familiarize yourself with inserted fragments, and then ..................... read the book, unless you prefer to watch the next episode of "Ugly").

Gene Brewer - K-PAX

"Education comes from the desire for knowledge and then the schools are obsolete. Without this desire for all schools in the Universe would be useless. "

" The term mental illness is often a matter of perspective. Too often, on this planet, it shall apply to those who think and act differently than most. "

" beings who want to destroy another world, forever annihilating themselves first. "

" - So do not you believe in God?
- This idea zaprzątała our heads for a few cycles, but soon gave that up.
- Why?
- Why should we deceive ourselves?
- But it's reassuring ...
- adds false hope false hope. "

"Większość istot rodzaju ludzkiego wyznaje filozofie „oko za oko, ząb za ząb”. Wiele waszych religii słynie z tej zasady, znanej w całym Wszechświecie z powodu jej głupoty. Wasz Chrystus i wasz Budda mieli inna wizje, ale nikt nie przejął się ich przesłaniem, nawet chrześcijanie czy buddyści"

"Życie na waszej planecie wydaje się dość nudne. Mieszkańcy spędzają większość życia na poszukiwaniu seksu, oglądaniu programów komediowych w telewizji i wykonywaniu bezmyślnej pracy dla pieniędzy."

"Większość samobójców w istocie nie chce umrzeć, They only want to communicate something. "

" There is only one truth. Absolutely. You can not run from it, no matter how far you ran away. "

" Everyone in the K-PAX is like me! Why would I hate someone? Would I hate myself? "

" I noticed that a lot of people laugh, even from things that are not funny. At first I was puzzled until I realized at the end like a really sad is your life. The school is a total waste of time. What we are trying to learn a bunch of bullshit. "

" What is it? Is in order. Rather quiet. Secretive. It is not so clever as I am, but on earth it is not important.
- No? And what is important?
- It is just that you were "nice guy" and a fashion is presented. "

" I hate how people impose on themselves the chains.
- such as religion?
- religion, family responsibilities, the necessity of earning a living, all things of this kind
. Man suffocated in that it does not seem to you? "

" You people think to be wisest of all beings on earth.
Am I right? - Yes.
- In this case, these other beings (animals) used languages \u200b\u200bare much simpler than yours, right
- So ...
- So if you are so wise, and their languages \u200b\u200bare so easy, why can not you
to communicate with them? "

" Is there anything on the planet, what you liked? "Of course, in addition to fruit."
- Sure so. Everything but the people. With the exception of one or the other, of course. "

"... all across America, young people are constrained nodes and other family and financial problems are working in occupations that do not suffer, and life is still rushing in the same place, looking for anesthesia in beer, sports and soap operas. "

There is nothing to be afraid of dying. It really is quite good ...


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