Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Farm Lessons Online Comic

my little manifesto ...

... Women's Day

-Oh, sąsiadko, trza ass, get ready, because I see an old house with flowers to the back ...
-And what sąsiadko, weighted at home does not have ...???

this joke, the rest of the consummate and perfect as the young tuskulańskie wine, I heard a few years ago and I can not since that time to resist the impression that it is a perfect illustration of what the day women did the communist tradition. Chace, or unwillingly, we are still prisoners in it, because, going for years now on this day in small provincial towns, watching a truly extraordinary views, if alive, removed from a bygone era. On this day, in fact, not only a cultural man, but every menel moves from the morning, holding a flower in her hand. Here, time stopped. Each year, watching in amazement as the guys from gryfowskich arcades (called arkadiusz), which is not a bottle split the night and day, that day in the other hand, more or less carry śniętego tulip. The Flower brothers go-grandfather and grandfather Bearded Lame. Even the chap who, judging by the smell and appearance, three days her house and her baby did not see tulips in the trunk packed with the bike.

As it has been 10 years living among the mountains, flowers, butterflies, birds, worms, puppies, is sensitive to any such done. View this fact fills me with emotion and brings in a melancholy mood.
Peasant Then I say that has always boycotting this date:
- See baby, on that day, even menel woman carries her flower -I say this, hoping to understand that allusion.
- But this flower, this is just an investment. Issue a few pounds on a tulip, baba forgive him, put a bottle of evening, because how not to drink to celebrate Women's Day, and maybe something else will not wymigując that "a headache".
peasant And robs me of the romantic mood.

March 8-day, when even mamuny recall that they have their other half, it really does not come from the tradition of the PRL, but it is a testament to the generations of women who fought for their rights, died for their beliefs and dreams. This memory of the time when demonstrators closed factories, where shortly after, mysterious and "accidentally" broke out fires consuming their lives. In these cases I believe the same way as in the fact that the key Crown witnesses and what they "cared" on Olewnik, ourselves, without the participation of third parties, committed suicide. Therefore have killed several hundred innocent people to the world opened their eyes to the problems ignored for hundreds of years and so far crammed into corners.

PRL Times distorted the memory zbarbaryzowały, upodliły and drove him to this day dawanego clove, tights, baby diapers, or śpioszków. Here is a woman full year working on two posts (A commercial and at home), before the holiday stawająca in line for bread or meat, they are confronted with problems of surreal for us, this was one day feel special. How does it look like in most homes and farms?

On this day, legally and compulsorily woman, in exchange for a clove, put the bottle and as the evening every day, has put his head in the fumes, escaping from the bad breath spouse, ethanol. Such a fate.
Although I know the joy we greet this day, some women, I personally feel disgust. I can not resist the impression that for decades have shaped the Sovietization so the mentality of people in this country that we do not notice the absurdity of giving a flower to someone just because it is the opposite sex.

I do not want to receive flowers and wishes just because they do not have a penis! I want to deserve it, that people wished me well every day of the year, not because I am a woman, but because, as I am human.

these brave women a hundred years and more have made a major step in breaking down gender stereotypes. Much work lies ahead. Continue to live in a world that is not the end I like it.
It is impossible to deny that women and men differ not only in appearance, but the perception of reality, behaviors that make up among them was a wonderful chemistry. This does not mean, however, We estimate that, considered as more or less privileged or the other sex.

To celebrate Women's Day, I decided to make a list of things that I genuinely pinch and come back like a boomerang on several occasions. This is my small private manifesto:

Because I DO NOT WANT to live in a country where:

  1. Women-the will of god Subordinated mężczyznom.Wszak are already in the holy book of Genesis says: I will greatly multiply your pregnancy difficult, and in pain you will bring forth children, to your husband you will be guided by their desires, and he shall rule over thee. " This is not about anything other than the fact that men wrote the Bible, and that most people have not yet awakened to the mythical perception of reality.

  1. problem of gender inequality in terms of the law comes down to parity. I prefer that the country was ruled by the wise men than women stupid just because they have "the roundup" be on the electoral lists. And vice versa. I prefer to make about the future of this country decided wise women than men stupid just because they have more clout.
  1. Where women and children have to leave their homes before the torturers and wander around the shelters, while their tormentors majesty of the law to walk in the streets and live in their common home.

  1. Where violates the basic human right to decide about their lives, institutionally discriminating against pregnant women, denying them the opportunity to take a decision on legal abortion, thus denying them the right to safe abortion.

  1. where women who dare to speak about their rights and stigmatizing stereotypes, closed mouths, taping a disdainful patch "Feminist".

  1. Where to apply double standards against men. The fact that the man drinks and is in the ditch is normal, but a woman that's not proper!

  1. Where a man with one thousand lovers, is called a "macho", "cock", a woman who had six men in your life, is called "loose." Nor do I want to live in a country where women themselves are poorly with this feeling, simply because they failed to find the first time this one.

  1. Where women, satisfaction in life, despise women who meet as mothers and housewives. Where these women are contemptuously called domestic chickens, and determined pomietłami niewybrednymi other epithets.

  1. Where housewives despise women in positions that meet through the exercise of his dream profession. Where the actions of these women are treated as a "denial of the feminine essence."

  1. where men in ties, flies and cassocks tell other people how to live and think, and alone in the house are up all sorts of filth pieleszach (famous last story of the prosecutor-pedophile).

  1. Where is assessed by looking at the people and the clothes they are wearing. Where is the boy with makeup ostracism produces and raises aggression. I recall that it ZMP, in the 50's, launched the contemporary style of the conventional, where everyone had to look alike and as a picture, where no color was allowed, and there was no place for individualism. Here, men are discriminated against and I think it's unfair. If you like the style of conventional and do not want to stand out from the crowd, there is nothing wrong with that. But if you think that everyone should look so, I think you have no right so say.

  1. Where to look a people under the blanket and says about natural law, which allegedly are men and women joining in the "sole and legitimate" heterosexual couples.

  1. Where the relationship between two women is publicly branded with loud cries, and in the comfort of your home and perverse fascination for the present, lived and rozbierny prime factors.

women wanted to dedicate a song that people with hairy thoughts determine as a lesbian. It's a beautiful song about female friendship. Both text and video are incredibly exciting.
Barry Nosowska & Renia Przemyk


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