Sunday, April 17, 2011

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A'yun, Qurroti. Implementation Acceleration Program in Religious Education Learning Islam In SMA Negeri 3 Malang . Thesis, Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of MT, State Islamic University (UIN) Malang. Advisors Drs. H. Asmaun Sahlan, M.Ag.

Keywords: Program, Acceleration, Acceleration of Learning, Learning, and the Islamic Religious Education.

Gifted children have unique personalities Generally they have a strong preference for the various areas of interestnya, very interested in moral and ethical issues, very autonomous in making decisions and determining actions, combined with high task commitment. They need specific education services for keberbakatannya potential to grow so as to achieve optimal self-actualization. Encourage children actualization of potential giftedness, in its development will be one of the pillars of strength of the nation in battle and competition between nations in a global era. Without relevant education services, gifted children will become a marginal group who failed to contribute significant for the progress of this nation. If it is allowed to continue then surely we have done "persecution" and a waste of divine grace which is very large.

One form of educational services for students who have exceptional ability and intelligence is through the accelerated program (accelerated learning). In other words a program to accelerate the period of study for students who have high intelligence levels. Those entitled to receive special attention for accelerated development of achievement and talent. For example, completed in 4 years of elementary, junior high school in 2 years as well as the high school level.

Religious education is one that has a focus on education to better provide the values and norms that give direction, meaning and purpose of human life. Inclusion of religious education in Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, in Chapter VI, article 15 which reads: "the type of education includes general education, vocational, academic, professional, vocational, keagamaa, and special". This is a government policy which also provides guidelines to managers and implementers of Religious education is to increase the devotion towards the Almighty God who has the moral and ethical implications are high.

therefore, becomes important Islamic Religious Education for children who have high intelligence and talent. As the process of planting the Islamic values \u200b\u200bto students. So not only become a smart student, but also students who are dignified and moral. That is a balance between intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual. Departure from this background, then in this study were taken formulation of the problem: (1) How Implementation Acceleration Program In Islamic Religious Education Learning In SMA Negeri 3 Malang, and (2) What are the Factors Inhibiting Implementation Support And Acceleration Program In Islamic Religious Education Learning In SMA Negeri 3 Malang.

The purpose of this study are: (1) To Learn Learning Implementation Acceleration Program In Islamic Religious Education in SMA Negeri 3 Malang, and (2) To Know What And Supporting Factors Inhibiting Implementation Program Accelerating the Learning of Islamic Education in SMA Negeri 3 Malang.

This research uses descriptive-qualitative paradigmatic approach. That form of words written or spoken of the people and behaviors that can be observed. And the type of research is using descriptive analysis technique (non-statistical), which is done by describing the data obtained by the words or phrases that are separated for the category to obtain conclusions.

The results of this research is that basically, the general implementation of Religious Education Learning Islam (PAI) in accelerated classes SMA 3 Malang country is not much different from the conduct of the study of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in the regular classroom. Includes: learning system, and system evaluation. Likewise, activities outside the classroom, such as extracurricular activities. It's just that distinguishes it from regular classes that accelerated classes designed for children who are extraordinarily intelligent and has the advantage in speed of thinking. With a curriculum that was developed (by differentiating) adjusted to the characteristics and needs of gifted students. The time needed to complete an accelerated program of education faster than the regular program in general.

To achieve maximum results in the implementation of the learning process of Islamic Religious Education in accelerated classes, there are several factors that affect. Both the supporting factors and factor inhibitors. One of these supporting factors, besides the school-which is expected to carry out an accelerated program of learning, especially in the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is an effective and efficient, positive support and active participation of parents and society and the government also needed. While several factors that become an obstacle in the implementation of Islamic Religious Education teaching in class acceleration, such as: lack of teacher competency standards, learning methods that are less varied, and the allocation of a little time for Islamic Religious Education subjects. In reality, such that it has become a national polemic which become obstacles in the implementation of Islamic learning in the land of Religious Education water. In spite of it all, the problems associated with accelerated students in their execution in SMA Negeri 3 Malang not become a significant problem.



Gifted children have unique personalities. Generally they have a strong preference for the various areas of interestnya, very interested in moral and ethical issues, highly autonomous in making decisions and determining actions. A number of these unique characteristics, if not properly understood by educators and parents, it will lead to the perception as if gifted children are stubborn individuals, unwilling to compromise even an extremely low rate of gifted children attitude.

Considering the uniqueness of the personality characteristics of gifted children as mentioned above will require specific ways to manage or facilitate the learning of gifted children. An autonomous attitude combined with task commitment high and interest in many aspects of life and moral values \u200b\u200bso natural that gifted children have different learning behavior with common child.

They require specific educational services for keberbakatannya potential to grow so as to achieve optimal self-actualization. Encourage children actualization of potential giftedness, in its development will be one of the pillars of strength of the nation in battle and competition between nations in a global era. Without relevant education services, gifted children will become a marginal group who failed to contribute significantly to the advancement of this nation. If it is allowed to continue then surely we have done "persecution" and wasting huge divine grace.

One corridor educational services for students who have exceptional ability and intelligence is through the accelerated program (accelerated learning). As the E. Mulayasa Provide special programs in an effort to handle them is gifted with the convening of an accelerated program as a service to individuals in different of students . [1]

Viewing demanding pace of technology development the quality of human resources, education needs to be stepped organize an accelerated program (accelerated learning). This should be done as a thought and a vision of a future alternative to prepare the youth of the nation's future leaders as early as possible as yet qualified to uphold moral and traditional oriental culture in the face of globalization of technology-filled competition. To that end, students owner extraordinary talent and intellect far above normal (which has an IQ score of 125 and above) should receive special attention. They tend to more quickly master the course material. This situation allows, the emergence of new behavior, they will make the class less orderly. In addition, will gradually make the relevant acts in out of control. Seeing this, students with exceptional needs to be addressed specifically in order to grow naturally and optimally. Namely through the process of acceleration (acceleration) study.

Courses acceleration or acceleration program is a program for learners who have exceptional intelligence level or in other words a program to accelerate mas studies for students who have a high intelligence level are eligible to receive special attention for accelerated development achievements and talents. For example, completed in 4 years of elementary, junior high school in 2 years as well as the high school. With word that more cliche, prepare a "warrior" future leaders . [2]

[1] E. Mulyasa, Competency-Based Curriculum, (Bandung: PT Rosdakarya, 2004), pp. 128

[2] Ria Kartika, Acceleration Program; Between Acceleration, Discriminant, and Coercion. Kompas, Saturday, 17 September 2005. ( Online )

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