Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Red Haired Curlu Actress

SHADOWS humanity in the mass culture ... Doom!

'd married, he will be cheaper ..

people today have a strange relationship. I also had a strange relationship. How I got pregnant this ... oh because it dearly. As I decided to write instead of selling ... oh I dearly! Do you like go to the beach with your child instead of to work this will be expensive? And what is a sorry indicator of happiness? What or how much you need to not be considered a freak in society. Super ideas of fun in a meadow or a new car? Strange are some people whom I meet in my life. They ask me if I have released my book, if I have a lot of work as a model in general HOW THERE MY CAREER. Some such little color ...

Application love - not available in the system object.

can I have a bad set of detection parameters, "That the Lord That One." Is it really love it love? Is it also is one of the products available in our culture of mass destruction .... :). Well, because what is the difference whether one is a model, writer, or a bus driver, or a politician, actor, waiter, chav, singer. Jobs like any other, each has its + and -. Everything is bored at some point anyway. Not even Cuba Province has had enough of show business and looking for a wife.

Only love and family is bored. Because every day is a new day, new smile and a new challenge. Thank you

AR, may still be with my people.

"Ode to pride"

proud, rebellious
Pearls of Life topimy
Jewels in the sweat of his brow And the truth

The bitterness of defeat, into the abyss
To honor
fall still lower,
Without feelings and colors.

circles come full
His niepokory,
Running in the world of the absurd genre
How sick

About souls and hearts of His

identity dummies alone crowd.

body covered with a bar code written

Life Scenario finished

explicit Mature intimacy
Without feelings of shame and duty, conjugal

A pure love is not

patient gender war!
Without a paradise on earth,
live in glass houses
crippled shadow of humanity Tamara Pearl


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