Friday, May 6, 2011

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Contextual Learning Application in Field Studies of Islamic Religious Education in Improving Student Learning and Achievement Motivation SDN Ketawanggede

Anty, Resna. 2006. Contextual Learning Application in Field Studies of Islamic Religious Education in Improving Student Learning and Achievement Motivation SDN Ketawanggede 1 Malang. Thesis, Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty Tarbiyah Islamic University of Malang. Advisors: Imron Rossidy, M. Th, M. Ed
Keywords: Contextual Learning, Learning Community, PAI, Motivation, Achievement .

Islamic Religious Education at school or madrassa, in its implementation still shows a variety of problems. As with the learning process of Islamic Religious Education in schools is still limited as the process of delivering "knowledge about Islam." The majority of Islamic religious learning method which has been more emphasis on memorization, resulting in less students understand the use and benefit from what has been learned in the material which causes the absence of PAI student motivation to learn the material PAI. Seeing the reality on the ground, most of the techniques and teaching environment in schools that used the teachers we tend to monotonous and boring. Thereby reducing the motivation to study. This in turn has an impact on learning achievement. To answer these problems need to apply an alternative way of studying PAI conducive to an atmosphere that tends to recreational thus motivating students to develop the potential of creativity. One alternative that could used is the application of contextual learning techniques Learning Community. With the use of this technique is expected for the subject matter of PAI can easily be understood and can improve motivation and learning achievement against PAI subjects.
Departing from the above problems, the general problem formulated in this study is whether the application of contextual learning techniques to improve the Community Learning motivation and learning achievement of students in grade IVa SDN Ketawanggede 1 Malang in the field of Islamic studies? How the application of contextual learning with Community Learning techniques that can improve motivation and learning achievement of students in grade IVa SDN Ketawanggede 1 Malang in the field of Islamic studies? This research
held in the city of Malang, precisely in the SDN Ketawanggede 1 Malang. This research is a class action (Classroom Action Research) with the type of collaborative. Phase of this study followed the model developed by Kemmis and Taggart, namely in the form of a spiral cycle which includes planning activities, implementation of action, observation, and reflection. Data gathering techniques used, namely: (1) observation, (2) measurement of achievement test, and (3) documentation. Data obtained from the action and then analyzed. Qualitative data consisting of the observation and documentation were analyzed qualitatively, while data collected in the form of numbers or quantitative data, simply by using analysis descriptive and visual presentation.
Based on the research that has been implemented can be concluded that the application of contextual learning techniques to improve the Community Learning motivation and learning achievement of students in grade IVa SDN Ketawanggede Malang in the field of Islamic studies. Indicators of improved student learning motivation can be seen from the increase in student excitement and enthusiasm in participating in school activity, not evident feeling lazy and weary of countenance students, they always show a sense of joy and fun during the lessons, as well as the curiosity of those who applied with asking questions when there is material that is poorly understood by them. From the data in the field shows that there is an increasing motivation to study the original value of the average pre-test of 20 increased to 24 or about 20% in cycle I, on the second cycle is increased to 31 or about 55%, and in cycle III has increased to 45 or approximately 125%. Levels increased between cycle I and cycle II about 29%, between cycles II and III cycles about 45%, between the third cycle with the first cycle of about 87%. With increasing students' motivation, then they also increased learning achievement, which was originally the value of the average pre test 6.60 increased to 6.84 or about 4% in cycle I, on the second cycle is increased again to 7.75 or around 17 %, and in cycle III further increased to 8.80 or about 35%. Levels increased between cycle I and cycle II about 13%, between cycles II and III cycles about 15%, between the third cycle with the first cycle of about 30%.
From the results of this study, researchers gave some suggestions for consideration for several parties, including teachers, contextual learning with Community Learning techniques need to be applied in the field of Islamic studies, for teachers continues to make efforts in improving the act of teaching to enhance motivation and student learning achievement, it is necessary to conduct further research to prove the influence of contextual education with engineering Learning Community of motivation and learning achievement of students design experiments using control groups, so as to produce research more accurate, valid and releable.


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