Friday, May 6, 2011

Ring Worm On Testicals

Applications Jigsaw Method To Improve Learning Motivation Islamic Religious Education in SMPN


Istikomah, Applications Jigsaw Method To Increase Motivation Education Learning Islam in SMPN 4 Stone . Thesis, Department of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of MT, State Islamic University (UIN) Malang. Prof. Dr. HM Djunaidi Ghony.

Keywords: Jigsaw Method, Motivation, Islamic Religious Education.

One way to achieve the goal of learning is the use of appropriate methods, so as to provide a positive influence on the process of teaching and learning activities.

are many educators who still apply methods such as lectures are monotonous, and it is less effective in enable students to follow the teaching and learning activities. It is even more important is less enthusiastic students and teachers feel pressured to always apply the learning method.

This study aims to find out how the application of the jigsaw in the learning of Islamic religious education to engage students actively and to increase the students 'work so that the application of the jigsaw to improve students' motivation towards learning Islamic religious education class III D SMPN 4 Stone.

This study is a class action, the subject of this study were students in grade III D SMPN 4 Stone, amounting to 40 students. Techniques of data collection in this study the author uses the method of observation, interviews, documentation, data about the activities of the jigsaw pembelajan taken using observations and data sheet to learn the results of which were taken by giving the pre test and the results after learning and then analyzed by using the formula:

P = Postrate - Base Rate x 100% Base Rate

As for the techniques of data analysis used in this study were (1) data reduction, (2) exposure data, and (3) conclusion.

Results Research shows indicate that the application of jigsaw cooperative learning techniques provide many contributions including students easily understand the material through discussion, students are increasingly active in the learning activities, students are trained work in teams and can increase student motivation towards learning Islamic religious education materials. This can be evidenced from the learning process IIID graders, then the pre-test results can be obtained by increasing the motivation that initially an average of 1.6 and in the first cycle of 2.1 or an increase 31.25%. In the second cycle of observation results show peningkan of 2.6 or 23.8%. In the third cycle of observation results show improvement of 3.2 or 23.1%.


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code: AP-02


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